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Ext2Ifs Silent Install Help


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Normal installation works ok, just have to right click the .exe file and select Vista as compatibility mode.

I extracted the contents of the .exe and tried to install with the inf file it seems to install but when i run from the control panel this error pop up ("IFS drives control" - system cannot find the file specified)


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Normal installation works ok, just have to right click the .exe file and select Vista as compatibility mode.

I extracted the contents of the .exe and tried to install with the inf file it seems to install but when i run from the control panel this error pop up ("IFS drives control" - system cannot find the file specified)

It seems that can not install correctly through .inf files (not all registry are imported).

Try an AutoIt script (unattended only):

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: myName

Ext2 Installable File System For Windows 1.11a
Application site: [url="http://www.fs-driver.org/"]http://www.fs-driver.org/[/url]

Script Function:
Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)

; Installer file name
$Installer = "Ext2IFS_1_11a.exe"
; Enable the read-only option
$Enable_the_read_only_option = 0
; Enable UTF-8 encoding
$Enable_UTF_8_encoding = 1
; Enable the large file feature
$Enable_the_large_file_feature = 1
; Assign drive letter automatically upon plugging in a device the first time
$Assign_drive_letter = 0

; Run the installer

; Welcome
WinWait("Welcome", "It is recommended that you exit any further Windows application before you proceed with this setup.")
WinActivate("Welcome", "It is recommended that you exit any further Windows application before you proceed with this setup.")
ControlClick("Welcome", "It is recommended that you exit any further Windows application before you proceed with this setup.", "Button2")

; License
WinWait("License", "Please read the following license contract carefully.")
WinActivate("License", "Please read the following license contract carefully.")
ControlCommand("License", "Please read the following license contract carefully.", "Button5", "Check", "")
ControlClick("License", "Please read the following license contract carefully.", "Button2")

; Read-Only Option
WinWait("Read-Only Option", "Choose whether you want to prevent the Ext2 driver from writing to any of the available volumes.")
WinActivate("Read-Only Option", "Choose whether you want to prevent the Ext2 driver from writing to any of the available volumes.")
If $Enable_the_read_only_option = 1 Then
ControlCommand("Read-Only Option", "Choose whether you want to prevent the Ext2 driver from writing to any of the available volumes.", "Button8", "Check", "")
ControlClick("Read-Only Option", "Choose whether you want to prevent the Ext2 driver from writing to any of the available volumes.", "Button2")

; UTF-8 Encoding
WinWait("UTF-8 Encoding", "When accessing an Ext2 volume, you have to decide whether to enable UTF-8 encoding.")
WinActivate("UTF-8 Encoding", "When accessing an Ext2 volume, you have to decide whether to enable UTF-8 encoding.")
If $Enable_UTF_8_encoding = 0 Then
ControlCommand("UTF-8 Encoding", "When accessing an Ext2 volume, you have to decide whether to enable UTF-8 encoding.", "Button9", "UnCheck", "")
ControlClick("UTF-8 Encoding", "When accessing an Ext2 volume, you have to decide whether to enable UTF-8 encoding.", "Button2")

; Large File Feature
WinWait("Large File Feature", "Now you have to decide whether to switch on the large file feature of all the volumes with the Ext2 file system.")
WinActivate("Large File Feature", "Now you have to decide whether to switch on the large file feature of all the volumes with the Ext2 file system.")
If $Enable_the_large_file_feature = 0 Then
ControlCommand("Large File Feature", "Now you have to decide whether to switch on the large file feature of all the volumes with the Ext2 file system.", "Button10", "UnCheck", "")
ControlClick("Large File Feature", "Now you have to decide whether to switch on the large file feature of all the volumes with the Ext2 file system.", "Button2")

; Drive Letters
WinWait("Drive Letters", "Now you have to create the drive letters of your volumes with the Ext2 file system. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better working.")
WinActivate("Drive Letters", "Now you have to create the drive letters of your volumes with the Ext2 file system. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better working.")
If $Assign_drive_letter = 1 Then
ControlCommand("Drive Letters", "Now you have to create the drive letters of your volumes with the Ext2 file system. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better working.", "Button11", "Check", "")
ControlClick("Drive Letters", "Now you have to create the drive letters of your volumes with the Ext2 file system. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better working.", "Button2")

; Readme
WinWait("Readme", "You may read the following release notes, print them or save them to disk for later reading. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better reading.")
WinActivate("Readme", "You may read the following release notes, print them or save them to disk for later reading. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better reading.")
ControlClick("Readme", "You may read the following release notes, print them or save them to disk for later reading. Note: You may resize the whole dialog for better reading.", "Button2")

; Finished
WinWait("Finished", "The Ext2 Installable File System Software has been installed successfully on your computer.")
WinActivate("Finished", "The Ext2 Installable File System Software has been installed successfully on your computer.")
ControlClick("Finished", "The Ext2 Installable File System Software has been installed successfully on your computer.", "Button4")

Func OnAutoItStart()
; One script instance only
If WinExists(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') Then Exit
AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter')

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using the code below to install on Win7


md C:\ext2ifs ; MAKE DIRECTORY

Copy %AppsRoot%Install\ext2ifs\ex2 C:\ext2ifs ; COPIES Ext2IFS_1_11a.exe

REGEDIT /S %AppsRoot%Install\ext2ifs\install.reg ; SETS COMPATIBILITY FOR Ext2IFS_1_11a.exe TO VISTASP2

start /wait C:\ext2ifs\ext2ifs-auto.exe ; RUNS YOUR AUTOIT SCRIPT

REGEDIT /S %AppsRoot%Install\ext2ifs\delete.reg ; DELETES THE INSTALL REG KEY

ping -n 5>nul ; WAIT 5 SECS




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers]

Edited by trickstar
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