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Question about slip streaming XP MCE 2005


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I'm reading in many places that MCE 2005 will not slip stream properly leaving people with missing programs including media center. Will nLite fully slip stream MCE on its own without additional file tweaks? If there are some, what are they? I'm only needing to slip stream because my motherboard has no IDE floppy connection and i need to load RAID drivers.

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devsfan1830, many here have successfully run nLite against MCE. I know little about it, but I do know that only some versions of MCE can accept SP3. Please do some searching here on MCE. You can learn about how to deal with the two CDs and other aspects. Drivers (including text mode) can be DLed from your MB or computer maker's site and integrated with nLite. If you have further questions or problems, please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit. Enjoy, John.

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My intention here is to keep it very simple. I have a folder full of my RAID drivers that I need to slipstream into the MCE install because the F6 option will not work for me without the floppy. All i need to know if if all i do is elect to add drivers to the install (leave all other options for modification unchecked) and I let nLite copy my 2nd disc with the Components folder, will I be left with a single install DVD that will properly install the OS completely intact? Does nlite properly, ON ITS OWN, integrate the 2nd cd into the 1st?

Please note that i tried this but i opted to not copy the Components folder because I didnt have any dvds. I was able to install just fine but i was never prompted to insert the 2nd cd. When it completed i was left with regular windows pro with MCE, IE, and probably more things missing. I plan on buying blank dvds today so I would like to know proper procedure so I dont waste DVDs.

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devsfan1830, you should be able to do what you want. Selecting no options but driver integration and create/burn an ISO so go fine. NLite will not copy your second MCE CD and like I said before, please search this forum for instructions on how to do that yourself. It has been dealt with before. You should ultimately end up with a DVD that will install MCE just like you want it. Enjoy, John.

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Thanks for all your help guys

NLite will not copy your second MCE CD

Actually nLite specifically asked me, when it was done copying my 1st cd, to insert my 2nd disk. I purposely elected not to assuming that nLite would retain the prompt that normally happens during install. It appears it does not so when I get home I will have to have a dvd ready and try again. I will post my results when/if i succeed.

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