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Virtual Desktop Infrastruture doubt


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Hi there,

I am now searching about Microsoft's VDI solution to see if it worths to be implemented in my company.

But there are somethings that I'm not understanding about this solution.

1- It's more a remote desktop then a TS wright?

2- Is it possible to make a network boot with some Linux based light softwre?

3- The HW resources that feed the VM are only from the server?

a client that has a 3.0 ghz with 256 RAM can easily run a Vista VM?

what products do I really have to have to run a VDI,

Hyper V only?

The managment of the VM has to be done with the virtual machine manager?

In my company there's no need to Virtualize apps 'cose they're web-based.

I'm really not getting too well on this, if you guys could help me it would be great.


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