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XP hangs when not connected to domain


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Hi guys

Can anyone help me, I have a Dell M90 Laptop wich is on our companys Domain, The laptop works 100% while it is physically connected to the domain with a Network cable. The problem starts when the user goes home. When the laptop is physically unplugged. As soon as you start up the computer and log into windows ( still on the domain account ) ie... username :bob password **** domain Rockwell) the mouse and keyboard freezes and you cant do anything,

My laptop is also on the domain but i have no problem when working at home

please help


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The main reason for this is that the user`s email account etc is configured on that profile. if i use a local account how will he be able to read his mails etc.

and even sometimes if i try to log into the local account it also hangs

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Access emails over the web? Or add his email account details to a local login account? As long as you leave a copy of any messages on the server. :hello:

If your laptop hangs when logging on to a local account then that's another issue.

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Are both machines (yours without the problem, and the problem machine) in the same OU and receiving the same group policies? If not you are comparing apples to oranges.

If the user lets the machine sit after logging in does it eventually finish loading his profile? Do you redirect any folders to network locations, such as My documents? There are a number of things that can cause issues like this.

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yes, its the same ou, he is using a mapped networked drive and there is also a mapped network printer.

the GP is also the same

it never finishes the loading, it gets into windows shows all you icons etc, then it gives a beep and freezes up.

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do I have this right?

Network Connection + Domain User logon = works

No Network Connection + Domain User logon = hangs

Network Connection + Local User logon = works

No Network Connection + Local User logon = hangs

Do you have any startup scripts or other executables set to start on logon?

Please post a HiJackThis (freeware) log from both accounts.


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