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How to put serial in the silent commands


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Excuse me the question.

I know that is not an easy problem, but I try to ask the same.

Is there any utility to insert the serial regularly purchased, at the various software in silent mode?

O unfortunately be "designed" from time to time depending on the type of program?

In my case, for example Total audio converter that uses the Inno Setup installer, I tried with the syntax / VERYSILENT / SERIAL = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

You install a regular basis but the serial is not applied.

Is there any other solution?


Edited by DMD61
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Not all inno setup installers allow you to add serial number what you can do is install the program and got to the registry and export serial number and add it after install. here is example but dont go with paths i am using.

REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /VE /D "Registry Genius 3.0" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 101 /D "CMD /C Start /Wait F:\APPS\RegistryGenius\RegistryGenius.com_Setup.exe /SILENT /SP- /NORESTART" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 102 /D "REGEDIT /S F:\APPS\RegistryGenius\RegistryGenius1.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 103 /D "CMD /C DEL \"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Registry Genius.lnk\"" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 104 /D "CMD /C DEL \"%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Registry Genius.lnk\"" /f

Registry Genius serial is exported from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RegistryGenius

as i said just an example

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You could try this:

01. Install software normally on fresh machine

02. Start capturing the registry before inserting serial (RegFromApp would do this)

03. Save and apply your .reg file when you need it or use it in silent installer (regedit /s somefile.reg)

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