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Urgent Help: Motherboard BIOS update!


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My young and bastard brother did an update to my motherboard BIOS, and I guess something went wrong and I can't manage to deal with it. Is there someone very altruistic who can help me?

Here's the situation....

My motherboard is ASUS P6T Deluxe, and today he updated my motherboard BIOS to the most recent ones available, because my motherboard had the first one and he thought that if he updated, probably it would have a better performance or, at least, something would improve in the overall system. The update went right, I guess, but the problems started as soon as the PC rebooted. Instead of the normal boot screen, American Trends logo, that I was used to see, it appears the follow:

First Screen: Asus P6T Deluxe package cover

Second Screen:

Marvell 88SE63 xx / 64 xx Adapter - BIOS Version

Reseting Controller 1.... OK

Initializing Controller 1... OK

Spin Up Group 1... OK

Initializing RAID Component.... OK

In the lower part of the screen: Press DEL to run Setup. Press TAB to display BIOS POST message

Third Screen:

Marvell 88SE63 xx / 64 xx Adapter - BIOS Version

Adapter 0

[Virtual Disk]

No Virtual Disk!

[Physical Disk]

No Physical Disk!

In the lower part of the screen: Press CTRL+M to enter BIOS Setup or SPACE to continue

Fourth Screen:

Marvell 88SE61 xx Adapter - BIOS Version 1.1.0.L72a

Adapter 1

Disks Information:

No hard disk is detected!

And then the Windows Vista starts and it asks to install the RAID controllers.

I don't have any kind of RAID system. I only have one hard drive with two partitions, and only because the computer already came like this from the store.

Any help to solve my problems and bring back my computer in a stable way with this BIOS version installed? I really don't know what things should I edit on BIOS to solve this and bring back «peace» to my PC. What I want is to put everything like it was, with the values, options, etc., but using this BIOS version, and I really don't know what were the options activated or not in the BIOS before I done the update. Taking it back to the store is the last option.... Any tips?

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If he was 'smart' enough to decide on a BIOS update, did he make a copy (saved to HD) of the old BIOS? If so, you can revert back to the status quo with that.

Failing that, go to the Website of the MoBo and try to get the one you had before and re-flash the BIOS.

Otherwise, all your new BIOS settings are availabe by hitting (usually) DELETE and going into SETUP


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Hello Kotuku,

It seems the problem is solved, thanks to some tips someone gave me.

I just had to disable Marvel Storage Controller & Marvel SAS on BIOS, and the Windows Vista started to flow nice with no requesting for RAID controllers - thing that I don't have in my system, RAID.

But I was seeing my life going backwards :P

If my PC don't explode in the next days, everything is fice : )

Thanks for the reply and have all a nice Christmas / New Year.

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