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Posted (edited)

sorry wrong forum - this one is part for driverforge.

can an admin delete this plz


hi kickarse,

first of all many thanks for your software.

i have a question about the speed of drivers installation.

but before, i tell you the story.

i have a winxp image with a sysprep and a lot of scripts running after the first boot.

Several times per year, i need to add drivers and make tests to be sure everything is okay

so, drivers (driver pack and a lot of additional one) are stored in the local drive and i manage 2 image (one before sysprep and one once sysprep has run)

my objective is to avoid this and centrally manage the drivers on a server so i only need updated network drivers in my image.

I have made several test to check the speed of drivers installation and it is almost impossible to use network for drivers installation (too much time)

when using a local drive all is okay.

I have more than 25000 different id's in my drivers directory and the size in near 1Gb uncompressed (less than 200Gb compressed).

I dont want to lose time unpacking drivers from the network (could be very long on old machine).

I have made an autoit script mapping a network drive and launching driverforge (works very well using local drive but very slow when using network).

I dont think this is a network issue because i have made test with 2 connected machine and its very long too)

Do you have any idea of what is wrong ?

instead of rescanning the entire hardware tree is there a whay to install only missing drivers ?

so i'm complety voiceless, i will make additional tests and keep you informed of the result.

You have made something very good and you can improve it to be a great software.

thank you in advance for your valuable support.


Edited by rparret

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