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Looking for a specific Hotfix for Server2K

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We've recently deployed HBSS and our Server 2K boxes are bluescreening. I got an email saying that there are issues between win2K servers and HBSS when using remote desktop and HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention System), There was mention of a hotfix released that addresses this problem but I'm having trouble finding out which hotfix it is.

any of you guys know which one we need?

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yeah that would be it.

Apparently my name and phone number made it's way up into the upper eschelons of Mcafee's support team and they're going to be calling me sometime soon.

One tidbit I was able to gather though was that there's something to do with the kernel running out of space and increasing the kernel size or adding a kernel size key to the registry MAY fix the issue.

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Are you talking about:

Key:   HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Value: PagedPoolSize
Radix: Hexadecimal

Value: PoolUsageMaximum
Radix: Decimal
Data: 20

Or is this a specific value to a McAfee registry key?

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I'm not sure about the registry stuff but KB838804 is supposed to be one patch for this.


Actually, the latest version of ntfs.sys for Windows 2000 SP4 is 5.0.2195.7049 (includes the above update), and can be found in KB 905590:


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