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Error in my winnt.sif

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Hi, i get this error while installing Windows XP Home:


And here is my winnt.sif used:

AutoPartition = 0
MsDosInitiated = 0
UnattendedInstall = Yes

AdminPassword = *
EncryptedAdminPassword = No
OEMSkipRegional = 1
OemSkipWelcome = 1
TimeZone = 110

InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

InputLocale = 0409:00000409
LanguageGroup = 1
SystemLocale = 00000409
UserLocale = 00000409

FileSystem = *
KeyboardLayout = "US"
OemSkipEula = Yes
OemPreinstall = No
TargetPath = \WINDOWS
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
UnattendSwitch = Yes

I'm trying to get a setup that only asks:

- registration name and organization

- computer name

- product key

- domain

where i'm wrong?

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the problem is, that you've choosen "FullUnattended" method for your unattended setup.

You have to set the "UnattendMode" to "DefaultHide" in your "winnt.sif".

Hi, i get the same error with DefaultHide. What is the meaning of this option?

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Just start the "setupmgr.exe" from the "DEPLOY.CAB" in the folder "SUPPORT\TOOLS" on your XP-CD and see the different options there.

i will do it right now. Do you use DefaultHide and it works without errors?

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No, I don't use "DefaultHide" I'm using "FullUnattend" for my installation.

I think the "DefaultHide" option should be the right for you, but I'm not sure. Just create a new answer file with the "setupmgr" and post if it's working.

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hi there, strangly this is working: (little differences...)

AutoPartition = 1
MsDosInitiated = "0"
UnattendedInstall = "Yes"

AdminPassword = *
EncryptedAdminPassword = No
OEMSkipRegional = 0
OemSkipWelcome = 1

JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP

InstallDefaultComponents = Yes


FileSystem = *
KeyboardLayout = "US"
OemSkipEula = Yes
OemPreinstall = No
TargetPath = \WINDOWS
UnattendMode = DefaultHide
UnattendSwitch = Yes

FullName = ""
OrgName = ""
ComputerName = *

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