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$$$ - Will pay for help with drivers on unattended inst

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Posted (edited)


I have gone through the steps of making an unattended install disk fro Windows XP Pro...

Everything is working properly, except the device drivers... Even though I have "DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore" in my "WinNT.sif" file, only the drivers that are signed are being installed...

I am willing to pay somone to help me out with this, as I REALLY need to get this install disk finallized today...

Please reply if you can get me a quick and simple solution...



Edited by dbusch


For starters, you're going to have to provide more information than you've given...

- What device drivers are you referring to? Storage/display/audio ??

- The method used to install these drivers?

- Is this an nlite'd cd or ?


Hi mongo66,

Thanks for the reply... Tell me what you need to know - I'm desperate for some help...

First, I am not using nLite... But rather doing the integration and unattended install manually...

Second, the method that I am attempting to use to install drivers is to specify the directory with the driver files in the "WinNT.sif" file... My entries from the [unattended] section of this file are shown below...


AutoActivate = Yes

DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

Hibernation = No

KeyboardLayout = Us

OemPnPDriversPath = "1\drivers\000_chipset_1; 1\drivers\001_ethernet_1; 1\drivers\002_wireless_1; 1\drivers\003_video_1; 1\drivers\004_smartcard_1; 1\drivers\005_flash_media_controller_1; 1\drivers\006_hotkeys_1; 1\drivers\007_modem_1; 1\drivers\008_modem_2; 1\drivers\009_audio_1; 1\drivers\010_audio_2"

OemPreinstall = Yes

OemSkipEula = Yes

Repartition = Yes


UnattendMode = FullUnattended

UnattendSwitch = Yes

WaitForReboot = No

Finally, the drivers that are NOT being installed are the audio, video, and ethernet. The only driver that is being installed in the chipset (displayed as "SM BUS CONTROLLER" before it finds the driver).

I came to the conclusion that it is a driver signing problem becasue I ran my install disk without specifying the driver directory. Then, I went to device manager and browsed to my driver directory manually to get the drivers for the unknown devices, and only the chipset driver installed without giving the "This driver has not passed windows logo testing to verify compatability..." message... So I assumed that is why it is begin installed and the others are not...

Any thoughts...?


Also, attached is a screenshot of my driver directory to show that I have entered the correct "address" in the WinNT.sif file...



The chipset is the first entry, that entry ends with a space. My bet goes on the space.

DriverPolicySigning=ignore only gets rid of the prompts. If you were not receiving prompts during install they were never being loaded.

Posted (edited)

I would try not using the $OEM$\$1\1\Drivers directory and just use $OEM$\$1\Drivers. In your winnt.sif do not use a space after the semicolon separating the entries in your OemPnPDriversPath. Perhaps setup is only seeing the chipset driver because of the 1\ usage. That is the reason for using the 000_xxx, 001_xxx, etc. folders as setup looks for incremental folders for the drivers and setup stops at \1. So drivers\000_xxx will work but 1\drivers won't? At least this is what works for me. Any particular reason you are using 1\drivers directory?

Edited by krose

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