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Full Setup link : http://g.live.com/1rebeta3/en/wlsetup-all.exe

1) Run it and go to folder : %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Windows Live\.cache

2) You would find many folders there and the names are self explainatory.

3) Copy whatever file you may require and use /passive /norestart options as they are msi files.

4) For error free installation, you may use this order of installation : wlxsuite.msi, crt.msi, contacts.msi, messenger.msi and other files if required.

  • 2 months later...

Posted (edited)

seems to works for installation and use but something is broked for uninstall process. Nothing runs when you uninstall messenger.

Anyone use this method ?

edit: it seems microsoft application report tools (dw20shared) doesn't install correctly/fully. It doesn't appears in "uninstall" regkey, in manul install it appears correctly ...

btw, Happy New Year to all members !

Edited by Sonic
Posted (edited)

okay after many tests , dw20shared isn't needed. but the .tmp file present in "%CommonProgramFiles%\Windows Live\.cache" is needed, it's installer for remove / repair installation.

If you use retail file this tmp is about 140mb because it's contains all setup files.

So, to reduce my install to 36mb, I have run install from the web package and I grab all file from "%CommonProgramFiles%\Windows Live\.cache" then I make batch to install msi in the same order in the cache.ini

(the .tmp file of web package is about 15kb ...)

Edited by Sonic
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

@nucleaus: you need :










to enable uninstallation you need the cache.ini and wlc*.tmp , pick files from path posted above ...

I use this , where %msipath% is your folder msi source ... :

echo - Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\crt\crt.msi" /qn
echo - Windows Live Communications Platform ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\contacts\Contacts.msi" /qn
echo - Segoe UI Font ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\segoefont\SegoeFont.msi" /qn
echo - Windows Live Call ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\wlc\wlc.msi" /qn
echo - Outil de téléchargement Windows Live ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\richupload\RichUpload.msi" /qn
echo - Assistant de connexion Windows Live ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\wllogin\wllogin.msi" /qn
echo - Installer ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\wlxsuite\WLXSuite.msi" /qn
echo - Choice Guard ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\choiceguard\choiceguard.msi" /qn
echo - Messenger ...
msiexec /i "%msipath%\messenger\Messenger.msi" /qn
ping >nul 2>&1
start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe"
ping >nul 2>&1

Edited by Sonic
Posted (edited)

What's the need of that ping >nul 2>&1 ?

and for the cache.ini and wlc*.tmp, do I let them in my msi source folder ?

Edited by hannubys

Hi guys

windows live messenger install isnt work for XP service pack 3

seem not complete downloading. :}

who know how to solve problem this..

thanks =)

  • 2 weeks later...

@hannubys: ping are for wait a moment before start wlm ... if not sometimes it launched too fast ...

the .ini and the .tmp must kept in folder or uninstaller will be broken.

I use this "manual" method in "production" without any problem on xp sp3 pro/home and vista sp1 too.

  • 1 month later...

I'm in the need of installing this for my company. I tried to follow everything in here.

I have a batch file running the following

msiexec /i "%DrivePath%\crt.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\contacts.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\SegoeFont.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\wlc.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\RichUpload.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\wllogin.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\wlxsuite.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\choiceguard.msi" /qn

msiexec /i ""%DrivePath%\messenger.msi" /qn

Note that the .tmp file and cache.ini are in the "%DrivePath%

Now after I run it....nothing installs. Any suggestions?


Have you checked those double quotes and that the variable %DrivePath% is correctly set before running your cmd file? Also, you can use just a path with the msi like this: C:\installer.msi /qb /norestart

You can use Benners tool to make your own installer or you can also download my switchless installer from the link in my signature.



I like the idea of using yours but the problem is, after I install it, I attempt to sign in and get an error.

We can't sign you in to Windows Live Messenger.

Service is temprorarily unavailable.

Error Code: 80040154

I'm running Windows XP SP3


Yeah i got this error too with ajua switchless when i tried to sign for the first time but you try one more time it works.


I like the idea of using yours but the problem is, after I install it, I attempt to sign in and get an error.

We can't sign you in to Windows Live Messenger.

Service is temprorarily unavailable.

Error Code: 80040154

I'm running Windows XP SP3

Yeah i got this error too with ajua switchless when i tried to sign for the first time but you try one more time it works.

Be sure to install the Requisites installer. Otherwise, you will get the sign-in error.

I made a separate installer for the requisites so i could release and English and Spanish version. Also, you can make use Messenger in other language by just installing the Requisites and MessengerInYourLanguage.msi

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