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having issues with internet


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First of all I want to say I am kind of a noob at least as far as with using nLite. Now the problem I am having is that when I make an nLite reformat disk, and reformat, I CANNOT CONNECT to the internet (have made 7+ disks). Now I want to clarify the noob part, I'm not stupid, I installed all the drivers, made sure I didn't delete any essential components. nLite is frickin awesome, But I'm lost please please help me. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I searched the forum and googled around but couldn't find anything.

Thanks Rob

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You need to provide more information. Please attach (not paste) your LastSession.ini. What OS are you using and building? Have you nLited your source more than once? What is your source - retail, OEM recovery, etc? Have you just read through these forums to see what kind of problems and answers are found here?

Enjoy, John.

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My base OS is from the CD that came with my Dell 3 years ago (OEM) it has SP2 on it. I slipstreamed SP3 and used RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.0a.7z. dunno what you mean by nLited my source more than once... if you mean have i used the same XP cd on more than one image, yes i have. If you mean have i made and image from my XP cd and then made an image from that, no i haven't. i attached file as requested, thank you John for your help.

thanks Rob


Edited by r00pr3t
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First, I would recommend using CDRWs as opposed to wasting CDRs - you don't end up with a pile of coasters on your desk, and it's actually better for the environment too! ;)

As for your connectivity problems, please inform us of exactly how you are accessing the internet (e.g. modem dial-up, broadband, cable etc.), and whether you usually install or configure any software.




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I looked at your LastSession and see that you have removed some DHCP and DNS stuff. This may be why you can't connect. I suggest you try to build an ISO without removing any services and see if that will work. Leave in all your other nLite parameters. You might go to a command prompt and try to do an ipconfig command and ping to site (yahoo.com) and see what, if anything you get. I assume since you have made 7 coasters, you are using HW to test. You might consider using a virtual system such as VirtualPC or VirtualBox. Then you only have to create an ISO file and boot from there. It won't test your driver integration but is a good test of other aspects of installing and running XP. jmbattle has a good idea with re-writable media to save making coasters. Until I discovered I could use the ISO, I rewrote one DVD+RW maybe 20 times with no problems (just erase before you write a new ISO).

Enjoy, John.

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James you are absolutely right, its just that i spent all my money on a new processor, motherboard, and ram. I only have 3 CD-r left so my pollution shouldn't go too much further. However, i would much rather burn the ISO image to a flash drive and boot from that. Is that possible???

I connect to the internet via Roadrunner high speed 10/100. Additionally I have no issues what so ever when I use the XP CD that came with my computer to install windows. I have tried both installing the drivers with nLite and leaving the drivers off nLite and installing them after XP is set up, neither of which have worked. Additionally I have tried using ONLY the safe presets in the nLite drop down, but with no luck.


I looked at your LastSession and see that you have removed some DHCP and DNS stuff. This may be why you can't connect.

I don't think I deleted any services, I only disabled them. and made sure to set DHCP to automatic.

I suggest you try to build an ISO without removing any services and see if that will work. Leave in all your other nLite parameters.

Okay, I'll try this out.

You might go to a command prompt and try to do an ipconfig command and ping to site (yahoo.com) and see what, if anything you get.

It's been a while since I've done this, I don't remember how. ...run... ipconfig... ping yahoo?

I assume since you have made 7 coasters, you are using HW to test.

I don't know what HW is...

You might consider using a virtual system such as VirtualPC or VirtualBox. Then you only have to create an ISO file and boot from there. It won't test your driver integration but is a good test of other aspects of installing and running XP.

Enjoy, John.

I haven't ever done anything with a virtual system before... what does this entail?

Thanks Rob

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HW is hardware. I use VMware Server which is a huge program (latest-575 MB) because I am running XP x64. I suggest you look into VirtualPC (MS) or VirtualBox (Sun).

They are both free and I think around 40 MB. You install the program, create a Virtual Machine (VM) - defining virtual HDD size, memory size and attached hardware. You can point the virtual CD/DVD to the ISO file you make with nLite. The VM will use virtual drivers, so it will not test your integrated drivers (leave them in), but should help resolve your network problem. Open a command prompt (Start-Run...-cmd), and type ipconfig. You should see information about your network adapters and connections. Type ping yahoo.com, and you should see the ping requests being sent and received. Error messages would be interesting to see.

Good luck, John.

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