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win32k.dll page_fault_in_nonpaged_area in winxp KOR sp3


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when i slipstream sp3 into a Korean winxp VLK i keep getting a BSOD after pushing next in the key input


in the win32k.dll

ive tested the sp3 redistro on a Korean winxp sp2 that ive nlite'd before and installs with no problems

but when i slipstream it into a vanilla WinXP KOR VLK i keep getting this BSOD...any help pls~~ :wacko:

edit: this is x86 version btw

Edited by fadedentity
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i read your post but it doesnt seem to be the problem

i have 512mb of ram allocated to my virtualbox

well ive decided to give up on the slipstream and have downloaded the msdn version of the korean VLK w/ SP3

im in the process of testing the install

it should work...emphasis on SHOULD....will be back to update

update: well seems to pass the key input screen so i assume all is well (well it should since its a msdn release)

now to nlite it and hope for the best....wish me luck ^^

Edited by fadedentity
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i've been geting the same exact issue about the BSOD when nlite'ing with the kor version of xp. slipstreaming a sp doesn't introduce any BSOD for me, but when I get to installing custom drivers i keep getting the BSOD.

also I'm installing this on my Acer Aspire One laptop with 1 gig of ram

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