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Is it possible to lock the default action for opticals?


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I'm sick and tired of doubleclicking an optical drive only to have some garbage program open instead of explorer. Is there some way to lock those settings so programs can't associate themselves with the optical drives? I can't find half the stuff under Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > File Types and looking in the registry for some of them is a pain. Even when I do, some of the programs reset them. Is there at least some shortcut to disabling ALL 3rd party associations with optical drives at once? I'm also curious if there's some fix for disabling autorun so that the drive labels update when the disc is changed/removed.

Edited by Viper187
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In the Registry:

NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 0x000000FF

(See this page for explanation of the above setting)


Using Group Policy editor (XP Pro only):

Start --> Run... --> gpedit.msc

Computer Config --> Admin Templates --> System
"Turn off Autoplay" = enabled

Hope this helps.

Edited by TheFlash428
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