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[SOLVED!] BSOD during setup in VirtualBox


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Hello folks,

I am attempting to prepare a fresh XP installation using what I believe is an OEM source (this is an IBM machine), yet am experiencing problems even testing in VirtualBox.

I begin by copying the I386 folder on the C: driver, then slipstream Japanese SP3. This installs correctly in VirtualBox, but it's obviously not my preferred installation. Returning to nLite, I removed the components that I believed I would not require, then tested again in VirtualBox. I was surprised to receive a BSOD at the second stage (GUI stage) of the installation, yet no amount of setting changes in VirtualBox would help.

I wondered if the crash could be due to services or tweaks, so started again with the XP+SP3 base, this time removing all possible components, but not touching any of the Unattend, Tweaks, Patches, or Services. This time the installation completed successfully, yet upon rebooting a BSOD appears at the Welcome screen.



This is all a little strange for me - usually I start with an XP SP0 Corp base, slipstream SP3, then remove more or less everything. I have never experienced a BSOD during installation - especially not within VirtualBox.

What am I overlooking?

Is there a way for me to check what kind of XP install files (Corp, OEM, etc.) are in the C:\I386 folder?

Any assistance would be most appreciated. I was under the impression that I would be able to do my usual installation, make some tweaks here and there, and install fresh, however this would appear to not be the case with a Japanese XP source. It's a good job I tested in VirtualBox before going ahead with the reformat! ;)




Edited by jmbattle
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Initially, I thought that the problem was due to using an OEM version of XP, as opposed to Corp/VLK, and that the WPA was causing the BSOD.

However, I am now using a VLK version, yet the BSOD still appear.

I am curious why this should be - what is so different about the Japanese version of XP (other than the pre-installed IME) the causes these BSOD in VirtualBox?

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Kind regards,



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John, thank you for your suggestions.

I believe that the code given on the BSOD is something of a generic error.

I have tested installing the the unmodified image, with SP3 integrated (skipping all but the ISO build page), and it installs with problems.

This morning I also tested an installation without any components removed, but with unattend, patches, and some other options. This also cause a BSOD during installation.

However, now I am beginning to think there may be a problem with VirtualBox, as the test on 'real' hardware did not BSOD at the same part of the installation process.

I shall keep persevering with this - there does not appear to be a great deal of familiarity with nLite among the Japanese computer scene, which makes ruling out such issues rather more challenging. The search function of this forum isn't terribly helpful either, as the most important keyword, 'Japanese', is found in any posts where individuals have pasted their last session.ini.




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I've just this very moment dipped my toe into the world of nLite ...can't beleive I hadn't come across it before :wacko:

I use VirtuaBox on Vista and had exactly the same problem ...when running my nLitened WinXP ISO from a USB drive ( or anything that wasn't C:\ for that matter )

My source disc is a standard UK / US XP with sp1 - cant imagine the Japanese source would be any different apart from the default languages.

Copied the exact same ISO to a folder on the C:\ drive and it seems to work fine.

For me at least, the issue appears to be a VirtuaBox one.

Hope you get to the bottom of it.


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You are welcome, but did you mean to say

I have tested installing the the unmodified image, with SP3 integrated (skipping all but the ISO build page), and it installs with problems.
, or no problems?

I have not used VirtualBox because until a few days ago it did not support 64 bit guests. I am running XP x64.

There is also VirtualPC offered free by MS. You might give it a try - both jonM and jmbattle. There is also VMware Server which works great (and Free!) for me but is huge compared to the other two. Go ahead and attach (not paste) you Last Session so all can take a look.

Keeping after it is a great idea. nLite is a great tool but may take a little playing to understand it. Be sure you are always using a fresh source. I copied my CD to a folder and always make a copy before I start nLite.

Enjoy, John.

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Well, I tested the ISO in VMware (what is with the 300mb+ download, by the way?!) and the BSOD that appears during the GUI stage of setup does not occur, so the problem would appear to be VirtualBox after all.

However, when the GUI setup stage is complete, and Windows starts for the first time, the installation still BSOD with the error code shown in the screenshot above. To confirm, this occurs in VMware, VirtualBox, and on a 'real' PC. To my knowledge, this does not happen when using an English language source.

In an attempt to get to the root of the issue, I shall attempt the same nLite process (simply removing all components, then building an ISO) on both English and Japanese versions of XP-SP3 VLK.

- WinXP-SP3 EN (85.3mb ISO): Install in VirtualBox 2.0 - Text Setup: PASS GUI Setup: PASS, First Run: PASS

- WinXP-SP3 JA (116mb ISO): Install in VirtualBox 2.0 - Text Setup: PASS GUI Setup: BSOD, First Run: n/a


- WinXP-SP3 JA (116mb ISO): Install in VMware Player 2.0.5 - Text Setup: PASS GUI Setup: BSOD, First Run: n/a


Hmm... and now the same BSOD in VMware Player.

After further investigation, it would appear that the Japanese version of Windows XP SP3 requires at least 384mb of memory allocated in order to complete the installation process. The default setting when selecting a Windows XP installation from VirtualBox's 'New Virtual Machine Wizard', 192mb, causes a BSOD, as does 256mb, the next increment on the slider. However, with 384mb allocated (a further increment on the memory slider), the GUI Setup stage will complete successfully. This makes me curious about the differences between English and Japanese versions of Windows - why does the later require additional memory in order to complete the installation process?

Well, despite overcoming the installation problem, Windows unfortunately still BSOD on First Run (just as the 'Welcome' screen appears):


This leads me to believe that a component removal is to blame. I shall have to start with a clean WinXP SP3 source, removing something relatively unimportant (such as wordpad), to ensure nLite processes the setup files, then test again to see if this BSOD still occurs. I am once again curious about the internal differences between English and Japanese versions of Windows. With all components removed from each installation, there is a considerable difference in the filesize of the built ISO. Moreover, why would a Japanese version of XP fail to load correctly with all components removed when the English version loads without any problems?

Well, does anyone have any suggestions as to which components may be essential for the Japanese version of Windows? I'm thinking about the IME and Text Framework Service, however I was under the impression that the Japanese installation has a different version of the IME pre-installed, as even when removed by nLite, the IME still appears during the GUI Setup part, and I am able to switch between Japanese/English input.






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Well after countless installations, I finally isolated the required component, and can confirm that the 'Text Services Framework' service is necessary in order for Japanese versions of Windows XP to load successfully.

To confirm, all other components can be removed (including 'Input Method Editor'), however 'Text Sevices Framework' must be kept, otherwise the system will BSOD just after the 'Welcome' screen.

While the nLite component description does warn the user "Don't remove for East Asian Languages", there is no information stating "Japanese versions of Windows will fail to boot if this component is removed." Given the important of the 'Text Service Framework' service therefore, I would suggest that future versions of nLite hide this component from removal when a Japanese Windows XP source is selected.


Kind regards,



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I am glad you determined what the BSOD problem was!

I specify 512MB for my VM memory size. When I first started running VMware Server, I got the Stop 50 error, but mine turned out to be a hardware problem corrected by a slight increase in core voltage.

Enjoy, John.

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nuhi, always a pleasure to be of assistance. ;)

By the way, is there any particular reason why the Japanese XP would require additional memory in order to install successfully (BSOD at GUI setup) compared with the English version?




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