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Internet Explorer Inappropriately Removed


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The file iexplore.exe is removed from the installation process (no longer placed in Program Files\Internet explorer) when the components section is touched. Other files may be missing too but this is a big one. I want IE for windows update only. I have IE protected by compatibility, and made sure IE core is not checked in the components section but still IE disappears.

To troubleshoot I used nlite to integrate every hotfix, tweak, and option I want to use without touching the components section and tested the build. IE worked fine. Then I went back and added the component removal section, steering clear of IE, or any network components, and still IE is gone. I'm using nlite 1.4.9 and a recent download of ie7 installation from Microsoft. Attached is my Last Session.ini. Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or if there's any work-around available.


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Hi, having the same problem here, also gpedit.msc is lost for some reason. (MMC could not create the snap-in). When using MMC the group policies aren't there. It displays the IE icon on the desktop but the files are missing.

Using WinXP Pro X64 SP2. Almost no components removed (only Automatic Update, Service Pack Messages and the Language files) and applied some of the tweaks.

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These are the new features of nlite 1.4.9 (from nliteos.com):

* new: NeededComponents and KeepFiles for entries.ini

* upd: IE8 beta 2 integration support

* upd: MMSSETUP.CAB files autoupdated

* fix: IE removal if IE7 integrated

It could be a clue of new features not properly tuned yet.

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These are the new features of nlite 1.4.9 (from nliteos.com):

* new: NeededComponents and KeepFiles for entries.ini

* upd: IE8 beta 2 integration support

* upd: MMSSETUP.CAB files autoupdated

* fix: IE removal if IE7 integrated

It could be a clue of new features not properly tuned yet.

Thanks for the reply. It happened using 1.4.8 as well. I'm going to try leaving oobe in, not sure if it will help though.

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I also encountered this problem and so I did some tests to isolate, but nothing conclusive except that the nLite Remove Components section is where to look.

Edit: 2008-09-07


On first boot when WPI (Windows Post Installation) app starts up I get an error message that "Windows can not open this file WPI.hta"

So I cancel that and then the Desktop "Setting up personalized settings for: Microsoft Windows Media Player" displays "Advanced INF Install" message "Unexpected Error: Could not load resource"

Internet Explorer exe is not there and IE doesn't work.

nLite v1.4.6 has same problem so I focused on testing v1.4.9.1

I narrowed the problem down to removing "Help and Support" in "Operating System Options" of "Components" section.

I also get the "Advanced INF Install" error when I use OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.3.0_AddOn_ENU.7z even before using nLite to slim things down.

One Piece and nLite must use similar procedures so I have suspicion that all OnePiece addons may exhibit this issue.

I revised my addons to get everything to work again but I can't get all my stuff on a CD (must use DVD) because I can't remove "Help and Support" now.

My revised build:

My process is to start with XP Home SP3.

Use RyanVM integrator for updates and addons:

- first session adding RVMUpdatePackSP3_1.0.0a.7z

Then integrate WMP11 + hotfixes using boooggy's slipstreamer v1.3.4.2

- second session adding OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.3.0_AddOn_ENU.7z NR_IE7en_Addon_2.0.2mod.7z (added tweaks)

- third session adding DirectX_9.0c_End-User_Runtime_AddOn_0.5.1_-_redxii.7z

- fourth session adding:






RVMAddons_1.6.2.Cab (I added sysinternals stuff)

uTorrent_Addon_v1.7.7.8179-Tosh.Cab (my own rendition of MrsPeel's)


Then I run nLite for tweaks and removals.

Then I use Gosh's method of reuducing size/creating bootable CD(DVD) by using cmd

start /wait path-to-i386\winnt32.exe /noreboot

This gives me just the files I need to install the OS.

I also use WPI to install my apps after.

Anyway, attached is my nLite session that has no problem:


You'll see that I successfully removed other "Operating System Options" in this session, but as soon as I try to remove "Help and Support" we have a problem.

Edited by beeker
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I managed to isolate a couple of things that caused my problems.

See revisions I made to my earlier post.

1. Using nLite to remove "Help and Support" in "Operating System Options" of "Components" section will remove IE from the install.

2. OnePiece Addon removes something that causes ""Advanced INF Install" error for WMP setup.

I hope these get fixed in future release.


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  • 4 weeks later...
I managed to isolate a couple of things that caused my problems.

See revisions I made to my earlier post.

1. Using nLite to remove "Help and Support" in "Operating System Options" of "Components" section will remove IE from the install.

2. OnePiece Addon removes something that causes ""Advanced INF Install" error for WMP setup.

I hope these get fixed in future release.


I did not test removing "Help and Support", but after many series of tests, I fount Security Center in Operating System Options to cause removal of Internet Explorer (IE7 if integrated) and WMP11 by WMPenc error. As a workaround I've used the attached Registry entry (contents below). and disabled the service.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Prevents Windows Security center from bugging the hell out of you
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]


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