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weird winbdows update failure problem


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My sisters computer which was only freshly installed last week with a integrated SP3 cd now cannot run windows updates. She said she only last ran it a day ago and evidently this is true as I see IE7 is on there now not IE6. When I ran windows update there was an error code and when I googled the code I was told it meant BITS and auto updates services not running. BITS is running and auto updates set to disabled even tho in control panel updates are set to automatic. Now for something even stranger.

If I set auto updates to either manual or auto and then start the service it fails with error 1058. So another google tells me one of 2 scenarios.

1 - Service not enabled for hardware profile - checked this and it is enabled in the only hardware profile.

2 - possible virus.

I googled the virus and did manual checks for tell tale signs of that particular virus and they were not there, plus there is up to date firewall and anti virus on the machine. Right now I am leaning towards a virus diagnosis tho as there is some other things I noticed. I tried to start a spybot sd scan to check for spyware as a cause, but the scan refuses to start saying I need to run a update, when I run a update it says no updates available is already up to date, again something I never witnessed before. Plus computer is more sluggish since I last seen it.

Edited by Chrysalis
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My sisters computer which was only freshly installed last week with a integrated SP3 cd now cannot run windows updates. She said she only last ran it a day ago and evidently this is true as I see IE7 is on there now not IE6. When I ran windows update there was an error code and when I googled the code I was told it meant BITS and auto updates services not running. BITS is running and auto updates set to disabled even tho in control panel updates are set to automatic. Now for something even stranger.

If I set auto updates to either manual or auto and then start the service it fails with error 1058. So another google tells me one of 2 scenarios.


Re-register the Windows Update DLL with the commands below

Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

Type the following commands. Press ENTER after each command.

regsvr32 wuapi.dll

regsvr32 wuaueng.dll

regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll

regsvr32 wucltui.dll

regsvr32 wups.dll

regsvr32 wups2.dll

regsvr32 wuweb.dll

Attempt to run Windows Update

Also try the Windows Installer link for Non-Vista machines from Microsoft.


1 - Service not enabled for hardware profile - checked this and it is enabled in the only hardware profile.

2 - possible virus.

I googled the virus and did manual checks for tell tale signs of that particular virus and they were not there, plus there is up to date firewall and anti virus on the machine. Right now I am leaning towards a virus diagnosis tho as there is some other things I noticed. I tried to start a spybot sd scan to check for spyware as a cause, but the scan refuses to start saying I need to run a update, when I run a update it says no updates available is already up to date, again something I never witnessed before. Plus computer is more sluggish since I last seen it.

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