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Driver filename too long for automated installation

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Our Unattended works great except for one flaw. Along with all the other setup data, some extra drivers are copied to the hard drive so they won't have to be installed manually or using AutoIT after the GUI comes up. After the Windows installation begins and is running, it gives me a Copy Error, unable to find file amdpcom32.dll. It gives me the option to browse for the driver, where I can see that the installation sees the file as AMDPC~P2.DL_. If I fiddle with this filename a little bit, renaming it, I can make the installation accept it and continue, but that's not automated, of course. I'm pretty sure it's not working just because amdpcom32 is 9 characters long, violating the 8.3 filename protocol. So, while it's looking for a file named amdpcom32.dll verbatim, when it looks for files, the file is read as amdpc~p2.dll, so it misses it entirely. What can I do about this to make it fully automated? Thanks

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thx for the replies, guys. Can the long filenames really be enabled for the installation section? I thought it had something to do with the XP install being somewhat based on DOS and therefore it wouldn't be easily possible. But if what I've been told is the case, that's great news

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The long filename copies just fine. The problem comes in when the Windows installer running under Samba looks for a specific long filename but can't find it because it's reading the filenames in 8.3. So, I think the solution isn't to change the Windows registry, b/c Windows isn't running when it's being installed. How can I make Samba read the long filename?

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if your base os the you are running when you kick off the install does not support long file names you will either have to rename the file after copy, or find another way to handle the name change.

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