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Boot Menu with Splash and Background


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I used CDShell to create a bootmenu with a splash screen. I want to add a background image that is displayed behind the options you can select. Is there any way to do this, or any easy to make boot menu, such as grub, that will support this.

I don't like EasyBoot

I know about that, I just wanted to know if there was a way to display an image behind the txt AFTER the splash screen. Its not possible with CDShell right? Anyone know any alternatives, such as GRUB with guides?

Edited by njven
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there is a way and theres also a thread here somewhere where people share there splash screens...

try this

:: CD Shell Boot Image ::

Change the CD Shell Boot Image

When your DVD boots up CD Shell displays an image for a few seconds and then displays your custom menu. Well this section will help you change that image to whatever you want. In the tools folder that was included in the CD Shell zip file, we will be using the convert.exe program.

Before we can convert an image however, we need a BMP file that is 640x480 in size at 24bit color depth. Save this picture into your tools folder. Now, open a command prompt and navigate to tools by typing cd D:\AIO-DVD\BOOT\tools.

Then the command you enter to convert the BMP file is:

convert -bmp2csi -o splash.csi logo.bmp

Parameters Explained

What this does is run the convert.exe program with the following options:


Says we are converting a bmp file to a csi file.

-o splash.csi

Says to call the new file splash.csi


Name of our 640x480 bmp file to convert.

Finishing Up

Copy your newly created CSI file into the \BOOT\graphics\ folder. It must be named splash.csi to work properly.

from http://flyakite.msfn.org/cdshellimage.htm

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