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Dual boot Windows XP-SP3 + WinPE2.0


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Hi, i am having some serious problems booting to winpe2 from another partition.

Partition 1 - Windows XP-SP3

Partition 2 - WinPE2.0

I created a boot file using bootpart to be able to boot to another partition


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

when i try and boot into WinPE2.0 i get the error missing NTLDR.

anyone else tried this and got it working???

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Partition 1 - Windows XP-SP3

Partition 2 - WinPE2.0

Do you use one hard disk or two hard disks?
when i try and boot into WinPE2.0 i get the error missing NTLDR.

Partition was formated at XP. Partition boot code search a file ntldr.

Two choices:

copy file \bootmgr to \ntldr

or use vista bootsect.exe to write a vista boot code: bootsect.exe /nt60 X: /force

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As far as I know you have to use the Vista boot loader to boot into PE 2.0. Rest assured, you can use it to boot into XP as well, you just have to configure the BCD (Boot Configuration Database) appropriately. My systems boot PE 2.0 from C: into RAM and XP from D:. Here's the batch file code I run after booting into PE (X:) from CD (K:) to configure the boot loader (you have to manually add bootsect.exe from the WAIK folder to your PE WIM):

xcopy K:\BOOT\*.* /e /f /y C:\BOOT\
copy K:\BOOTMGR C:\
bcdedit -createstore C:\TEMP\BCD
bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -create {bootmgr} /d "Boot Manager"
bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -set {bootmgr} device boot
bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -create {ramdiskoptions} /d "WinPE"
bcdedit -import C:\TEMP\BCD
bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice partition=C:
bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \BOOT\BOOT.sdi
for /f ""tokens=3"" %%a in ('bcdedit -create /d "WinPE" -application osloader') do set guid=%%a
bcdedit -set %guid% device ramdisk=[C:]\WINPE\WINPE.WIM,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit -set %guid% path \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\BOOT\WINLOAD.EXE
bcdedit -set %guid% osdevice ramdisk=[C:]\WINPE\WINPE.WIM,{ramdiskoptions}
bcdedit -set %guid% systemroot \WINDOWS
bcdedit -set %guid% winpe yes
bcdedit -set %guid% detecthal yes
bcdedit -displayorder %guid% -addlast
bcdedit -create {ntldr} /d "Windows XP Professional"
bcdedit -set {ntldr} device boot
bcdedit -set {ntldr} path \ntldr
bcdedit -displayorder {ntldr} -addfirst
bcdedit -default {ntldr}
bcdedit -timeout 5
bootsect /nt60 C:

Of course, you still have to have the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, and boot.ini files in the root of C:, and your boot.ini should only point at your XP installation.

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Two choices:

copy file \bootmgr to \ntldr

or use vista bootsect.exe to write a vista boot code: bootsect.exe /nt60 X: /force

thanks for the info, how do i copy \bootmgr to \ntldr????

I use 1 HDD, 3 partitions

it is a laptop.

i used this cmd script to install WinPE2.0 onto my Partition


imagex /apply c:\winpe_x86\ISO\sources\boot.wim 1 X:
xcopy C:\winpe_x86\ISO\boot\*.* /e /f X:\boot\
copy C:\winpe_x86\ISO\bootmgr X:
bootsect /nt60 X: /force

PartitionID 1 {8GB} = X: (recovery partition, the 1 i want WinPE2.0 on)(Currently Has BartPE Installed)

PartitionID 2 {10GB}= C: (System Partition, system, boot, active)

PartitionID 3 {75GB}= D: (Data - where i keep all my files)

tried using bootsect /nt60 X: /force, it boots to Boot Manager but says BCD Error????

i'm assuming if i can't get it to work then to put it back i have to use bootsect /nt52 X: /force????


I want to boot into WinPE2.0 without RAM Load, also i dont want Vista boot manager to manage my

boot sequence i just want to be able to boot to it from xp's boot.ini.

failing all of this, i want to be able to use imagex from bartpe to capture and apply images.

Edited by devil270975
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You have no choice about the Vista Boot Loader and PE 2.0. PE 2.0 is Vista and cannot be booted with boot.ini and NTLDR. The "bootsect /nt60" command tells the MBR of the hard disk that you want to use the Vista Boot Loader, and "bootsect /nt52" tells it you want NTLDR. If you absolutely must use boot.ini, you must use PE 200x instead of 2.0.

If you choose to use PE 2.0, you can easily modify my commands to remove the "boot into RAM" method by following Microsoft's documented guides. However, this will prevent you from partitioning the disk you boot from or formatting the partition you boot from.

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thanks for all your help, i have managed to sort it now between the replies on here and a post on another site.

will post how i did it later when i have more time, am i right in thinking if i put BCDEDIT -store X:\boot\BCD -set %guid% winpe no

it makes the registry NON VOLATILE, ie it saves changes???? im sure i read it somewhere but for the life of me cannot find the site again.

also, i know i am cheeky, but, how do i add vbruntimes???


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tried using bootsect /nt60 X: /force, it boots to Boot Manager but says BCD Error????
Configure the BCD (Boot Configuration Database) to boot from X:.
PE 2.0 is Vista and cannot be booted with boot.ini and NTLDR.
Yes, ntldr istself can't chainload another OS.

However ntldr can chainload another partition boot sector(s), extracted to a file, e.g. C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\BOOTPE.BIN

This partition boot code may load another OS.

The "bootsect /nt60" command tells the MBR of the hard disk that you want to use the Vista Boot Loader, and "bootsect /nt52" tells it you want NTLDR.
No, bootsect.exe dosn't change the MBR of the hard disk.

Bootsect does change the boot sectors of a partition. That way a file name bootmgr or file name ntldr is launched.

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