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ExcelActive Title Bar has disappeared

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Recently I downloaded an Excel file with a list of DTV converters. This file opened up with a band on the left side that had two plus signs on it. Clicking on the top one did the same thing as Page Down would do, and clicking on the plus sign below it did the same thing as two Page Downs. This has not shown up in any other Excel file.

On the other hand, the Active Title Bar(?)(the one on top with the three little boxes on the right hand corner for minimize and exit) has disappeared completely regardless of which file I open. This is a real pain because there is no way to minimize the Excel screen from its full size.

Would any of you have any idea about either of these two things. Thank you, muchly

Edited by Gomer Fackworth
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  • 3 months later...

Just in case you still haven't figured this out.

Those little plus signs that you see on the top left of an Excel sheet are what happens when you group together certain rows. Just have a look around in your menu bar and usually somewhere in the middle you'll find a function that groups rows together. It's one also one of the options to make a file "unresizable", although I don't remember exactly how that was done.

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