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GreenMachine's Complete SP3 SVCPACK.INF

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In the never ending search for the complete, up to date Windows XP Installation, here is my latest SVCPACK.INF, used to install all the updates and hotfixes for Windows XP Service Pack 3. This list of updates and hotfixes are those I have determined to be necessary to show Zero Updates needed, High Priority or Recommended, in Windows Update. One major obstacle is finding the hotfixes. I use a combination of standard hotfix downloads from Microsoft, inspection of WindowsUpdate.log for update URLs, and NirSoft's SmartSniff to detect from where the hotfixes are downloaded. Please do the same to find your own hotfixes, and do not bother asking me for direct download links ...

Two problems discussed here and on other forums is how to install the .Net Frameworks (1.1 and 2.0), and the IE7 Updates from SVCPACK.INF. This is the only part of the installation that requires "smoke and mirrors".

For .Net, the file REG.EXE is extracted from the Windows source, and included in the SVCPACK folder. From there it is used to change two entries in the Windows registry to allow the installation of .Net 2.0. The .Net installers for .Net 1.1 and 2.0 have been renamed to DOTNET11 and DOTNET20, respectively. Oddly enough, .Net 3.0 and 3.5 do NOT show up as needed on Windows Update, but I suspect that will soon change.

The second problem was to allow the updates to IE7 to succeed. This was achieved by using REG.EXE again to add an entry into the registry to allow the update to run as if a Windows Update installation of IE7 was being performed. After the update is installed, the registry setting is deleted.

Signature="$Windows NT$"


; ---------- SVC-D1F Files ----------
; ---------- SVC-D1U Files ----------
"NDP1.1SP1-KB867460-X86.EXE /QN"
"NDP1.1SP1-KB928366-X86.EXE /QN"
; ---------- SVC-D2F Files ----------
"REG DELETE HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW /F"
"REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /V SystemSetupInProgress /T REG_DWORD /D 0 /F "
; ---------- SVC-D2U Files ----------
"NDP20-KB928365-X86.EXE /QN"
; ---------- SVC-WMP Files ----------
"WMP11-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE /Q:A /R:N /c:""SETUP_WM.EXE /Q /R:N /NoPID /DisallowSystemRestore /P:#e"""
; ---------- SVC-HF1 and SVC-HF2 Files ----------
; ---------- SVC-CF1 Files ----------
"WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z /ER"
"WINDOWSXP-KB941569-X86-ENU.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z /ER"
; ---------- SVC-MRT Files ----------
"WINDOWS-KB890830-V1.40.EXE /Q"
; ---------- SVC-IE7 Files ----------
"IE7-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE /NoRestart /NoBackup /UpDate-No /Quiet"
; ---------- SVC-IEU Files ----------
"REG ADD ""HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\7.0\WU"" /v ForcePostUpdateInstall /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f"
"IE7-WINDOWSXP-KB947864-X86-ENU.EXE /Q /U /O /N /Z /ER"
"REG DELETE ""HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\7.0\WU"" /f"


Here are the contents of I386\SVCPACK:

05/12/2008  12:00 AM		24,265,736 DOTNET11.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 23,510,720 DOTNET20.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 8,846,888 IE7-WINDOWSXP-KB947864-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 15,452,536 IE7-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 10,703,680 NDP1.1SP1-KB867460-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 9,249,736 NDP1.1SP1-KB928366-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 15,394,248 NDP20-KB928365-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 50,176 REG.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 292,952 ROOTSUPD.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 8,548,984 WINDOWS-KB890830-V1.40.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 1,131,560 WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 2,166,832 WINDOWSXP-KB941569-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 25,755,448 WMP11-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE
13 File(s) 145,369,496 bytes

This is the SP3 version of the topic originally started HERE.

Edited by GreenMachine
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Here are the contents of I386\SVCPACK:

05/12/2008  12:00 AM		24,265,736 DOTNET11.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 23,510,720 DOTNET20.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 8,846,888 IE7-WINDOWSXP-KB947864-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 15,452,536 IE7-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 10,703,680 NDP1.1SP1-KB867460-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 9,249,736 NDP1.1SP1-KB928366-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 15,394,248 NDP20-KB928365-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 50,176 REG.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 292,952 ROOTSUPD.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 8,548,984 WINDOWS-KB890830-V1.40.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 1,131,560 WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 2,166,832 WINDOWSXP-KB941569-X86-ENU.EXE
05/12/2008 12:00 AM 25,755,448 WMP11-WINDOWSXP-X86-ENU.EXE
13 File(s) 145,369,496 bytes

I may have missed some previously assumed information, so I apologize in advance.

A few questions on this section...

Do I simply download the .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package and .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) and rename them according to your information above? If so, do I still need .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1?

I could not find the following for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Is there another place I should be look for these?



For the REG.EXE, do I simply take the file from a working Windows XP SP2 installation?

Where did the ROOTSUPD.EXE come from? Is this the Root Certificates Update hotfix? If so, can you list the kb number?

Thanks in advance for your clarification.

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I could not find the following for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Is there another place I should be look for these?



For the REG.EXE, do I simply take the file from a working Windows XP SP2 installation?

Where did the ROOTSUPD.EXE come from? Is this the Root Certificates Update hotfix? If so, can you list the kb number?

Thanks in advance for your clarification.

Hmm have you tried something insane like copying and pasting each of the .exe lines into say Google??

The first search result is usually going to be what you are looking for

Some people really need spoonfeeding :)

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Make sure you compare the filesize on GreenMachine's post to what you have downloaded.

The only place you'll find WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE is if you download it from windows update on your machine, and then read the c:\windows\WindowsUpdate.log to find the path. It will have the filename of: windowsxp-kb892130-enu-x86_72e487d115be77f49f64053893a23ecb58bc59cb.exe

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Thanks lokelo for the tip on how to acquire WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE.

After some research, it seems that NDP1.1SP1-KB867460-X86.EXE is the same as Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. Apparently, it cannot be searched by the KB number.

I'm still not clear what "the file REG.EXE is extracted from the Windows source" means. Is this on the OEM disc or from an active Windows installation?

I was able to find the ROOTSUPD.EXE mentioned in a thread in the ms newsgroups. It appears that it is an older version, but in fact the file is dated December 2007, so I think it is the right one. Someone please correct me if I am mistaken. Here is the direct link.

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Thanks lokelo for the tip on how to acquire WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE.

After some research, it seems that NDP1.1SP1-KB867460-X86.EXE is the same as Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. Apparently, it cannot be searched by the KB number.

I'm still not clear what "the file REG.EXE is extracted from the Windows source" means. Is this on the OEM disc or from an active Windows installation?

I was able to find the ROOTSUPD.EXE mentioned in a thread in the ms newsgroups. It appears that it is an older version, but in fact the file is dated December 2007, so I think it is the right one. Someone please correct me if I am mistaken. Here is the direct link.

reg.exe you get from the windows iunstall, on xp doa search for reg.exe you will fidn it in windows folder somewhere

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Use expand.exe (see http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/16/) to expand the reg.ex_ file to reg.exe in your i386 folder.

as for the other files, a google search should almost always find the file you are looking for with the exception of WINDOWSXP-KB892130-ENU-X86.EXE that I mentioned how to find below.

You can also look at the windows update log to see the download paths.

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Is it possible to use *.reg /s file instead of reg.exe to save the space?

I also doubt if the reg.exe have been already extracted at T13? So we don't need to copy it to that folder again?

Edited by quya
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Awsome :thumbup

You just saved me a rather large shrink bill ;)

Seriously though, how do you figure this stuff out?

I've been trying all sorts of stuff to get this to work (particularly kb947864), adding extra RunOnce entries, rebooting multiple times, removing files, rebooting again etc etc.

Thanks again dude :thumbup

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Hi Greenmachine,

I will try your solution but I would also like to know if xcpreate is still alive. I have sent you severall pm's for the latest version but unfortunatly no replies. I also noticed that xpcreate.com is no longer online. Downloading the 2006 version is therefore also no longer possible.

If you stopped with xpcreate, is it possible to make a statement. Then I switch to another tool or method. Until now I always used XPCREATE with much pleasure.

Thanks in advance,

The Bitfrotter

(Hans Broeders)

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Just a report. This method did NOT work for me. I created the SVCPACK directory inside the i386 directory and put the files listed above inside. I then created a SVCPACK.INF file and copied the text from above and placed it in the i386 directory.

It appears that none of the code executed because when I booted into Windows I did not have IE7, WMP11 or any of the updates installed.

Edited by calderstrake
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Just a report. This method did NOT work for me. I created the SVCPACK directory inside the i386 directory and put the files listed above inside. I then created a SVCPACK.INF file and copied the text from above and place d it in the i386 directory.

...try to delete "SVCPACK.IN_" (i386 directory) ;)

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Is there a reason why using SVCPACK.INF would prevent Windows XP Home OEM SP3 from creating a default user name at first logon?

The "Administrator" account is created however you cannot logon to this account in normal mode in Windows XP Home.

This means that the XP Home logon screen is blank and there is no account available to select to logon to the PC.

The usual "Owner" account which XP Home OEM creates when I do not use SVCPACK.INF is not being automatically created.

Anyone have experience of this and can point me to a solution?

Kind Regards


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