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Adobe Showckwave AutoUpdater


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Hello All,

Found this new icon in my system tray when i turned on the PC and seems it is a autoupdater for shockwave.

Quick search and seems you can remove this "option" byy following adobe instructions.

By following this link, you'll also notice that it collects "anonymous" user info and sends it back/.

Nice one Adobe, thanks for being open and honest about this during install process, NOT!!!!!!

Another reason to not install there other products at least as you need the flash/shockwave plugin for most internet sitrs.



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Well Adobe does update their Flash and Shockwave players frequently so this is a convenience for most people. "Anonymous" probably means 'information that cannot be used to identify you" but would include information such as your ip address, software version, and recently viewed websites.


I agree it would be nice though if this feature were exposed during the install process.

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