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Photoshop CS3 Progress Bar Install Switch?


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Photshop CS3 silently installs like a champ. However, I prefer to have the progress bar showing when the program silently installs. Does the setup.exe in Photoshop CS3 have more switches than --mode=silent?

For example, in .msi files you can use the /qn switch to have "No UI", the /qb switch to have "Basic UI" (progress bar only), and the default /qf to have "Full UI".

In cmd, I notice when using --mode=silent with setup.exe, the line "UI Mode: Silent" comes up...and when not using any switch (or mode=GUI), the line "UI Mode: Full" comes up. That makes me believe there is a switch that shows only the progress bar. I just don't know what it is.

As a guess, I have tried --mode=basic, --mode=quiet, --mode=bar, --mode=progress but to no avail.

Anyone know of anymore switches for setup.exe in Photoshop CS3?


Edited by radigast
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