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Internet Explorer in WinPE 2.0 ?


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I have not heard of this being done yet.

They would need to get explorer working first, and then IE.

I would think integrating a stand alone version of Firefox or other browser would be MUCH easier.

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Thanks for the reply, I can get Explorer working didn't know that was an issue.

I actually work for a large corporation and need to do some data migration under certain instances from with WinPE and am finding out that most data migration tools only work from inside the OS hence planned migrations only. When questioned about whether they will work in WinPE most are no but a couple have stated if I can get IE working it may be possible. So I'm not sure if Firefox would work, I guess I could ask if it is browser only or IE specific.

I seem to never have easy issues, sorry about that guys. I guess I will get explorer working first and then come back to the forum.

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  • 2 months later...

I made it works last night, both Explorer, MMC and IE, by analyzing and decoding VistaPE scripts with some hands-on work. It's on default Vista Explorer shell. I will release my image once it looks better.

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I made it works last night, both Explorer, MMC and IE, by analyzing and decoding VistaPE scripts with some hands-on work. It's on default Vista Explorer shell. I will release my image once it looks better.

No, you cannot do so. If you upload an image of WinPE to the net, you are violating the EULA and we would be forced to delete the links and give you a warning or worse.

What's a better idea is to relase your instructions so people can do so themselves. If you wish to upload your own written scripts, then that's fine, but uploading a complete image for others to download is not allowed. :)

Give a man a fish and he will eat. Teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry. ;)

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I made it works last night, both Explorer, MMC and IE, by analyzing and decoding VistaPE scripts with some hands-on work. It's on default Vista Explorer shell. I will release my image once it looks better.

No, you cannot do so. If you upload an image of WinPE to the net, you are violating the EULA and we would be forced to delete the links and give you a warning or worse.

What's a better idea is to relase your instructions so people can do so themselves. If you wish to upload your own written scripts, then that's fine, but uploading a complete image for others to download is not allowed. :)

Give a man a fish and he will eat. Teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry. ;)

Well, I will follow the rules seriously.

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  • 3 months later...

Run VistaPE and you get an working explorer/IE solution from WinPE 2.x

If you want to do it manually, look on the code of scripts that compose VistaPE and you can add the changes manually by yourself as was mentioned by yaleyu.

Personally, I think that the automated way will save a lot more time and troubles. There are a lot of tutorials available out there for VistaPE, you can google or look on the site for more quick-start info - it's only a matter of downloading the project and pointing it to the place where your DVD files are placed anyways.


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