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I have win 2k pro sp4 assigned to the workgroup called "WORKGROUP". I also have

another computer Win XP Home SP2 under the workgroup called "MSHOME". Both

computers are on the same home network. I also have a third computer that has

VISTA and in the workgroup called "WORKGROUP".

My win 2K machine can see all the workgroups "WORKGROUP" and "MSHOME" in

my network places. I can select the "WORKGROUP" and it will show me all the

computer names that are in that directory. However, when I select "MSHOME",

it complains about access denied probably because it's a different work group name.

However, I don't want to change the MSHOME workgroup to match the other workgroup

names. All I want to do when I select MSHOME is to show me which computers are

in that workgroup category. At present, I can't see them although the MSHOME computer

is up and running and connected to the same home computer network I am. Moreover,

since the computer is Win XP Home in the workgroup "MSHOME", it doesn't have the

RestrictAnonymous data value in the registry which will block access to the computer

should I select the computername when shown in the MSHOME workgroup.

How do I get access to the MSHOME workgroup to show me the list of computers

under that workgroup name?

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