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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all you previous help. Now I need some scripting help.

I have a script that needs to apply a .WIM file but seems to freeze up for a moment and then ends and I can't fiure out why... so a fresh pair of eyes?


Function Install()

Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objWShell.Run(ColDrv & "\Tools\dwait.hta")

If SYSID = "30C5" Then

'MsgBox "inside script"

'MsgBox ColDrv

objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 1 c:"),0, True

ElseIf SYSID = "30C9" Then

objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 2 c:"),0, True

ElseIf SYSID = "0890" Then

objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 3 c:"),0, True


msgbox "Could not find DVD attached to the system",vbError,"HP EUC"

End If

objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c bootsect.exe /nt52 c: /force"), True

objWShell.Run ("wpeutil reboot")


End Function

Ok, I'm passing in the drive letter for the value of 'ColDrv' but the system fails to apply the WIM file yet if I type 'imagex /apply e:\sources\winXP.wim 1 c:' it works fine. anyone know why then scripting fails? Also I have tried it with 'x:\windows\system32' in front of imagex but it still fails. The MsgBox's post just fine so I know I'm in the script.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks again for your help,


objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 1 c:"),0, True
objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 2 c:"),0, True
objWShell.Run ("%comspec% /c imagex /apply ") & ColDrv & ("\Sources\WinXP.wim 3 c:"),0, True

I think your problem is your Run commands and the ()'s. I think it should be:

objWShell.Run "%comspec% /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim # c:",0, True


You should also try to run the same .Run without the %comspec%. For some unknown reasons it doesn't always work on WinPe v.2 environment.

objWShell.Run "cmd /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 2 c:",0, True


Actually still failing with a error message of file not found, here is what I have...

objWShell.Run "cmd /k imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 1 c:",1, True

also tried the following with imagex placed in the \sources folder.

objWShell.Run "cmd /k " & ColDrv & "\Sources\imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 1 c:",1, True

also added a MsgBox ColDrv before and after the call tag and each time the correct drive is listed.

Yet if I run either one on a USB ThumbDrive is works fine but a DVD install fails... any ideas cause I'm stumped???

But the real kicker is that while typing this reply I tried runing the hta again without reboot and it works just fine.?.?... reboot and the image fails file not found.


Are you trying to apply the image from a network share?

Try to run this before the apply function.

Function CheckConnectionStatus()

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if objFso.FileExists(ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim") And objFso.FileExists(ColDrv & "\Sources\imagex.exe") Then

'Do nothing, just continue and exit function


MsgBox("ERROR: Files missing " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim" & " or " & ColDrv & "\Sources\imagex.exe")

End If

End Function


Actually running it from a DVD-ROM drive.

'This is the code used to find the DVD-ROM drive.

'I also set a globalo variable of ColDrv

Dim ColDrv, SYSID

Function Window_Onload()

Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set Drv = FSO.Drives

For Each StrDrv in Drv

If StrDrv.DriveType = 4 or 2 Then

If StrDrv.IsReady = True Then

If Fso.FileExits(StrDrv & "\Tools\Tools.txt") Then

ColDrv = StrvDrv

End If

End If


MsgBox "Could not find DVD attached to the system", vbError

End If


Using the Variable ColDrv I then try to run my install....

I seem to make it in the script but when I go to run I get a file not found error?

Do you think it is having issues with the global variable?

Function Install()

Set objWShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objWShell.Run(ColDrv & "\Tools\dwait.hta")

If SYSID = "30C5" Then

'MsgBox "inside script"

'MsgBox ColDrv

objWShell.Run "cmd /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 1 c:",0, True

ElseIf SYSID = "30C9" Then

objWShell.Run "cmd /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 2 c:",0, True

ElseIf SYSID = "0890" Then

objWShell.Run "cmd /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 3 c:",0, True

End If

objWShell.Run "%comspec% /c bootsect.exe /nt52 c: /force",0, True

objWShell.Run "wpeutil reboot"


End Function

Thanks for looking,



Fixed it... Duh...

Where the script is finding the CD-ROM drive I have:

ColDrv = StrvDrv

and it should be

ColDrv = StrvDrv.Path

Otherwise you get intermittent failures that can not be explained.

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