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[Nero] No more silent install? (SOLVED)

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Posted (edited)

I have downloaded and extracted (using 7-zip) the (demo) version of Nero.

However, starting (maybe) from this version, silent install doesn't work: if run SetupX.exe, i can see for a while a progress bar, and then the process ends.

If i run the original installer, all works fine.

Don't care the fact that extracted files are placed on my machine (named "vaio"), and installation runs from a virtual machine: the same appens if you run it locally.

Hope you can help me!!! Sorry for my bad english!!!



LogFile Created 18/03/2008 16.00.09


08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : CSetupXApp::InitInstance Start installation
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Nero Installer version:
08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : Locating nps.dll...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Nero ProductSetup version:
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::QueryDWORDValue(). Query value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Nero\Installation\Settings\DONOTRUNSETUPX result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: HasAdminRights(void): 1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance RunInstance - Before
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA'
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::DeleteValue(). Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\RestartNeroSetup result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Can't delete run value. Error: 2
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Application full path: \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\SetupX.exe
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::CleanCommandLineForMSI MSI command line before clean: ""
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::CleanCommandLineForMSI MSI command line after clean ""
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: TryToCopyItSelf() is SWITCHED OFF!
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RestartFromTempWasNeeded Started ...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetCommonDirPath return value: C:\Programmi\File comuni
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RestartFromTempWasNeeded. Return FALSE because app name is: SetupX.exe
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Family =
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: STARTMODE = -1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: USERSEL = -1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Updating MSI engine. Required version: 3.0.3790.2180
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Msi DLL: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll - File exists
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Msi EXE: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe - File exists
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: MSI DLL file version: 3.1.4000.4039
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Required file version: 3.0.3790.2180
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: CompareVersion2: 3.1.4000.4039 ? 3.0.3790.2180 = 1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: MSI DLL file version is OK. Not updating.
08/03/18 16:00:09 INFO : Locating nps.dll...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA'
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: LoadLibrary \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\Setup\nps.dll - 268435456
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard handler: 268600720
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: SetLogFileName: nps.log.txt
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: HasAdminRights(void): 1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: Call DownloadWizard: Count: 1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DownloadWizard Started ...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyManager::InitFamily(). could not open the registry key: Software\Nero\Installation\Families\. Error: 2
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetFamilyCount 0
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: ShowWebDownloadInfo return: 1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: IsSilentUpdate return: 0
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: IsNotSilent return: 0
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: UserSelection -1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyName
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: After user selection.
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair BEFORE
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair Started ...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetNPSStartMode -1 GetNPSUserSel -1
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation started ...
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetUserDefaultLangID(): LangID = 1040 Lang = 'ITA'
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: RootDir: \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: FamilyName:
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: GetCommonDirPath return value: C:\Programmi\File comuni
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: SetFamilyNameAndMode: Nero 87
08/03/18 16:00:09 DEBUG: aAllMsiFullPath count: 1
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::QueryDWORDValue(). Query value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for UpdateExeVolatile was not found 0.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CRegKeyExImpl::EnumValue(). Open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired result: (2) Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for was not found .
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CConcurrentInstallManager::IsRebootNeeded: Is not required for PendingFileRenameOperations was not found or is empty.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler: DefaultExtractPath = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\nero.tmp\Data\
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() started...
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() processing twin cabinet '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\86C4F461.cab'
08/03/18 16:00:10 ERROR: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() cannot copy '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\80FCC66F.cab' to '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\86C4F461.cab': Accesso negato.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() DONE.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation3 return
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: ShowNeroProductImprovementProgramDialog. IsToShow: 0
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunFirstTimeInstallation done.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: DoItUpdateInstallRepair AFTER res: 0
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: bIsDoItUpdateInstallRepairOK 0
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: DownloadWizard End
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CNPSManager::DeleteDownloadMngr(): Nothing to do.
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard - Try to set AfxSetResourceHandle
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard - After AfxSetResourceHandle
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: NPS_DownloadWizard return TRUE
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: RunInstallUpdateRepair return 1
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: START CheckForRestart
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Restart and resume: 0
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Restart only: 0
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunSetupXuExe Started ...
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunSetupXuExe return FALSE because not IsInstallUpdateEngine or IsStub
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunCommonSetupX Started ...
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::RunCommonSetupX return TRUE because not RunCommonSetupX
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::Install3rdVerdorMSI installs 3rd party applications. strRedistPathCorrection=``
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Installing neroxml.msi...
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CreateProcess started...
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Application Name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Command Line : /I "\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\Data\Redist\neroxml.msi" /qn
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: In Directory : \\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: CreateProcess done... Result OK
08/03/18 16:00:10 DEBUG: Waiting till the process works...
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: NeroXml was successfully installed.
08/03/18 16:00:11 ERROR: CSetupXApp::Install3rdVerdorMSI Install3rdVerdorMSI - file does not exist: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Impostazioni locali\Temp\nps.tmp\PropertyTable.xml
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance close N7Mutex handle.
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance N7Mutex handle is closed.
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: CSetupXApp::InitInstance return TRUE
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: ErrorCode = 0 (Operation successful)
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: ResultCode = 0
08/03/18 16:00:11 DEBUG: RemoveSetupXU(). Return because app name is: SetupX.exe

Edited by Gremo

08/03/18 16:00:10 ERROR: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() cannot copy '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\80FCC66F.cab' to '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\86C4F461.cab': Accesso negato.

I believe this line specifies your problem. Setup needs to copy some files in the same directory on first run, but access is denied in your case. Maybe you could run setup as admin and then retry?
08/03/18 16:00:10 ERROR: COfflineCabHandler::DuplicateTwinCabs() cannot copy '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\80FCC66F.cab' to '\\vaio\Software\Software\Masterizzazione e Virtualizzazione\Nero\Setup\\Data\86C4F461.cab': Accesso negato.

I believe this line specifies your problem. Setup needs to copy some files in the same directory on first run, but access is denied in your case. Maybe you could run setup as admin and then retry?

First, thank you for your help...

Seems that source and destination folder are the same: that is, 80FCC66F.cab copy and rename to 86C4F461.cab (in the same folder). The folder of course is shared without write permit, so this is the reason...

I will try giving a write permission, however this means that nero setup cannot run from a CD for example... :realmad:

am i right?


Ok, now it works.

You will need:

1) Extract the setup files with 7zip

2) Give to the folder "Data" write permission

3) Run SetupX.exe and abort installation when the first windows come up

--> now your source files are updated, you can run SetupX.exe even from a CD/ISO (without write permission on "Data" folder)

In fact:

"Data" folder BEFORE run SetupX.exe: 627 MB (658.123.972 byte)

"Data" folder AFTER run SetupX.exe (cancel installation): 680 MB (713.388.505 byte)

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