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I'm building a script to export all idle sessions in Citrix to Excel; so I have an overview

of the load on all servers from the Citrix Farm.

This is the script

Option Explicit

Dim objFarm, objSession, SessionList, tlst, tdis, tcur, t1, t2, minutes, i, fc
Dim SessionState
SessionState = Array("Unknown", _
"Active", _
"Connected", _
"Connecting", _
"Shadowing", _
"Disconnected", _
"Idle", _
"Listening", _
"Resetting", _
"Down", _
Dim objFSO, objTextFile
Dim arrSessionsA, arrSessionsB, arrSessionInfoA, arrSessionInfoB
Dim strText, strSession, strSessionState, strCurDT, strCurDTcln, strDataOutFile2
Dim iA, iB
Dim duplicate
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Const DataOutFile1 = "Idle_Sessions.csv"
Const DataInFile = "Idle_Sessions.csv"

strCurDT = now
i = 1
fc = 0
do until fc = 4
if Mid(strCurDT, i, 1) = "/" Then
fc = fc + 1
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & "-"
if Mid(strCurDT, i, 1) = ":" Then
fc = fc + 1
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & "-"
if Mid(strCurDT, i, 1) = " " Then
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & "_"
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & Mid(strCurDT, i, 1)
end if
end if
end if
i = i + 1
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & Mid(strCurDT, i, 1)
strCurDTcln = strCurDTcln & Mid(strCurDT, i + 1, 1)
strDataOutFile2 = strCurDTcln & "_Idle_Sessions_filtered.csv"

'open file in Append mode
Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDataOutFile2, ForAppending, True)
Set objFarm = CreateObject("MetaFrameCOM.MetaFrameFarm")
' Initialize the farm object.

Set SessionList = objFarm.Sessions
For Each objSession In SessionList
Set tlst = objSession.LastInputTime(TRUE)
Set tdis = objSession.DisconnectTime(TRUE)
Set tcur = objSession.CurrentTime(TRUE)

strSessionState = SessionState(objSession.SessionState)
t2 = tcur.minute + tcur.hour*60

if strSessionState = "Active" Then
t1 = tlst.minute + tlst.hour*60
minutes = t2 - t1
If Minutes > 120 Then
Minutes = 0
End if
End if

if strSessionState = "Disconnected" Then
t1 = tdis.minute + tdis.hour*60
minutes = t2 - t1 + 120
If Minutes > 240 Then
Minutes = 240
End if

If Minutes < 0 Then
Minutes = 0
End if
End if

'write session info to file

objTextFile.writeline (objSession.ServerName & "," & objSession.UserName & "," & _
objSession.SessionName & "," & CStr(objSession.SessionID) & "," & _
objSession.ClientName & "," & strSessionState & "," & Minutes)

'close file

'open file for Reading into sort arrays
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDataOutFile2, ForReading, True)
strText = objTextFile.ReadAll

Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strDataOutFile2, ForWriting, True)
arrSessionsA = Split(strText, vbCrLf)
arrSessionsB = Split(strText, vbCrLf)
iA = 0
duplicate = 0
do until arrSessionsA(iA) = ""
arrSessionInfoA = Split(arrSessionsA(iA), ",")
iB = iA + 1
do until arrSessionsA(iB) = ""
arrSessionInfoB = Split(arrSessionsB(iB), ",")
'compare username AND server AND sessionid AND workstation name
if arrSessionInfoA(1) = arrSessionInfoB(1) AND _
arrSessionInfoA(0) = arrSessionInfoB(0) AND _
arrSessionInfoA(3) = arrSessionInfoB(3) AND _
arrSessionInfoA(4) = arrSessionInfoB(4) then
duplicate = 1
exit do
end if
iB = iB +1
if duplicate = 1 then
duplicate = 0
objTextFile.WriteLine (arrSessionsA(iA))
end if
iA = iA + 1

I Receive an error on line 54

"Set objFarm = CreateObject("MetaFrameCOM.MetaFrameFarm")"

Can someone help me?


Edited by verlegenmanneke
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