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Remote desktop between 2 Win2kPro sys' need terminal services?


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I was able to do remote desktop and remote desktop web version between two different PC's on the

home network using Win XP Pro SP2 and the latest RDP release v6.1 as of July 2007.

However, I'm trying to do RDP between two PC's on the home network using the latest RDP release

from July 2007 that was installed on Win XP Pro SP2, but between Win 2K Pro SP4 machines instead.

I've uninstalled RDP v5.1 from both machines and reinstalled v6.1 the latest from July 2007. However,

the version number that I see when I do an "about" for the RDP running on either machine still shows

me v5.1 and the GUI screens don't show me the tab whereby I can check the box to not use Terminal

Servers since I don't have this software. Why is the latest v6.1 being shown as v5.1 on WIN 2K Pro SP4

machines? Does this mean that it sees a Win 2K machine and installs an older version of RDP?

Moreover, I can't connect for the following reasons.

a). I don't have a terminal server.

What software package from MSoft can I use that when installed gives me the terminal services

I need that are part of the Win XP Pro version and such that I'll see the "Terminal Service" service

running on windows 2K? Currently, no terminal service service is installed and running on the machines.

b ). Although the machines are Win 2K Pro SP4 machines, I don't see under Control Panel ->

System , a Remote Tab that allows me to select Remote Assistance or Remote Desktop checkbox

and to select the Users (besides the admin) that are allowed to do Remote Desktop to the machine?

c). If I do netstat -a on the machine, I don't see TCP port 3389 listening nor any port by this number.

d). Since Win 2K Pro doesn't have a firewall as Win XP SP2 does, I presume firewall issues aren't a problem.

Moreover, I don't have aftermarket firewalls like ZoneAlaram or equiv installed and running which would

require the TCP port 3389 be allowed thru the firewall. This also applies to Remote Assistance

port numbers too.

Presently, I can't do Remote desktop between to Win 2K Pro machines with the above problems as stated.

What is the solution to allow Remote Assistance and Desktop on Win 2K machines? What software

package can I install to give Win 2K PRO machines Terminal Services functionality like Win XP PRO SP2 has?

Note both TCP/IP and NETBIOS stacks are installed and running on the internal local home network too.

I don't need port forwarding either.

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I'm going to save you some trouble - I don't know why the rdp client is showing 5.1, but Windows 2000 Professional machines do NOT have terminal services capability, only 2000 Server (and only when installed from add/remove windows components). Unlike XP, 2000 doesn't have this functionality built-in (and it isn't in Professional at all).

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