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Removing a Directory/Folder,


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I know that the following can remove empty directorys:



But i am uncertain on how to remove a direcory that is not empty; that is to say a directory containing files, other folders etc.


PS.I am a pretty good batch creator etc (well getting there).

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don't worry about it........u knew it but just need a refresher.........i still need a refresher from time to time.........

Thats true,

I was wondering if you might be able to help me also;i wrote this batch script to copy the wpa files (backed up - activated state) to system32. (and rename the ones in system32).

Here is the script:

@echo off

ren %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wpa.dbl wpa.dbl.nonactivated

xcopy a:\wpa.bak %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wpa.bak /q

xcopy a:\wpa.dbl %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\wpa.dbl /q



Then i saw the very same script (give or take a little) on another forum (might've been this one) but that one had an extra line of code:


the thing i can't undestand is what this does (exactly) i mean i know what the commands do;but not regarding the registry.

Any help appreciated; Thanks again,

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Then i saw the very same script (give or take a little) on another forum (might've been this one) but that one had an extra line of code:


the thing i can't undestand is what this does (exactly) i mean i know what the commands do;but not regarding the registry.

This command imports a file named "activate.reg" silently into your Registry.

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Then i saw the very same script (give or take a little) on another forum (might've been this one) but that one had an extra line of code:


the thing i can't undestand is what this does (exactly) i mean i know what the commands do;but not regarding the registry.

This command imports a file named "activate.reg" silently into your Registry.

Dear arie,

I knew that was what it would normally do but i never reliased that (synax) would work.

So thanks for your reply,

Ps. i was wondering wether you knew what reg file that would be. (or which part of the registry needs editing etc)

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i haven't heard or read the registry import actually working but then i am not even sure what gets imported to the registry to help with the activation.

kk thanks for your reply,

PS.It isn't really any worry as i do not use that perticular line of code anyway (as i dont import anything to the registry) i was just curious as to what it might be.

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