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IE Script errors


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Hey all

I seem to be getting this error when i try and generate/export a report into excel " Your browser does not support scripts or has been configured not to allow scripts." any idea what i am supposed to enable/install to have this resolved?



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It's not clear to me what you are doing. Apperantly you are exporting a certain file from Internet Explorer, which you are trying to import in Excel? Do I understand correctly? How do you exactly export and import the file you mentioned? Which version of Internet Explorer and Excel are you using? You're giving too little information to work with I'm afraid.

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Sorry about the lack of information...

You are right i am exporting a certain file from Internet Explorer, which i am trying to import in Excel...

IE 6.0.2900.xpsp_sp2_gdr.0702272254CO

MS Excel 2003 (11.8146.8132) SP2

I am exporting site details from a sharepoint site into excel, like usage details , number of frequent users etc into excel.



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