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Offline Files Problem


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I'm having an issue with offline files with the GM & SVP of my property, needless to say I'm desperate for an answer! Our users have a desktop which is housed on our main fileserver, therefor when they unplug they lose their personally created files and folders. This isn't flying with the big boss so I enabled Offline Files. However for some reason it only brings down about half of the files and folders on his desktop! I don't know what the issue is... he has about 96 combined files and folders on the network desktop taking up about 1GB. I had him log off (on the network) and then log back in (off the network) and only half of his files were there. I've found a few tools like SyncToy and cachemov by searching the forum, but I want something automated and bullet proof.

Any ideas why it would only be syncing half his desktop??

Thanks MSFN

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it appears I was just to impatient. When I first enabled Offline Files I only set it to sync when logging off. So the first time I logged off I didn't wait long enough before undocking and testing offline. So the reason why I only showed half the files is because only half actually downloaded and synced before I brought it off the network.

I deleted all the offline files, selected to Sync during Log On and Log off and that did it.

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