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Ms DOS attrib command


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SYS command can not change attributes of folders. It works with file attributes, only.

In general dos is not able to change attributes of folders, such a possibility came with the Windows GUI. Still, the system attribute of a folder requires disk editor, or some other special application.

In order to get a folder with a system attribute set without additional application, the simplest solution would be to make a copy of some other system folder. Luckily, Explorer is able to change a system folder name.

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Attribute of folders can be changed using command prompt. Ex:- the command "attrib +s +h d:\myfolder" will change the attribute of "myfolder". The command "attrib +s +h d:\myfolder\*.* /s /d" will change the attribute of all the files and sub folders in "myfolder". But I want to change the attribute of folders only. Please help me. :(

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Interesting, it does work, indeed.

It is not possible to change multiple folders arrtibutes with a single command. The DOS does not process folders with wildard based operations. It is necesary to run a separate command for every folder.

It is possible to do it in Windows 2000/NT system. But this will require a small batch program.

In case of a Windows 9x system a VB script could do it, I think.

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/D does 'process folders as well'


attrib +s d:\myfolder\*.* /s /d

attrib -s d:\myfolder\*.* /s

should set the system flag for all folders, and reset it for all files.

With Windows 2000, yes. With Windows 98, no.

The /d switch is not supported in Windows 9x.

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Ah, I see.

It's not dos, but next code should work:

var system = 4;
var hidden = 2;

function DoFolder( folder )
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
f = fso.GetFolder(folder);
f.attributes |= system;
f.attributes |= hidden;

var fc = new Enumerator( f.SubFolders );

for (; !fc.atEnd(); fc.moveNext() )
DoFolder( fc.item() );

DoFolder( "D:\\MyFolder" );

Copy the code, save it as a .js file, and doubleclick on it. It should set the system and hidden attribute of all subfolders of D:\MyFolder, including MyFolder itself. Have a look at the double \ in "D:\\MyFolder". This is necessary for all backslashes in your path.

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please tell me the way of unhide the folders

The line

f.attributes |= hidden;

should be changed to

f.attributes &= ~hidden;

which removes the hidden flag.

Other possible flags are:

1 ReadOnly

2 Hidden

4 System

8 Disk drive volume label. Attribute is read-only.

16 Directory. Attribute is read-only.

32 Archive

64 Shortcut. Attribute is read-only.

128 Compressed. Attribute is read-only.

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