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Intel chipset drivers.


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Is there a site that has older intel chipset drivers, listing the latest chipset it actually contains drivers for? Intel gives all versions the same filename and many times I've gone back to the oldest download shown and still it won't install anything because the chipset is already "supported" by that version of Windows.

Baloney! Some no longer available Intel download did install drivers but not the latest or currently oldest available that claims in its description to "support" that chipset and Win98SE.

For example, such a site would have an installer that will actually install the last 98SE drivers Intel made for the 815 chipset. Or the 440BX or the...

Same for 95, 95B, 98FE, Me, 2000 and XP.

I'm tired of Intel lying on their site about what chipsets and Windows versions their installers support. When it DOES NOT really contain drivers for a specific chipset/windows combination, why does the description say it's 'supported' by that installer?

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