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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone, I managed to create a screen capture tool for Windows NT4 and 5.x in the community. It has similar functionality to the one found in Windows 7: Features: Full-Screen Capture: The application currently supports capturing the entire screen, allowing users to take comprehensive screenshots of all visible content on their display. Capture Region Selection: Users can select a specific region of the screen to capture, providing flexibility to focus on and share only the desired part of the screen. Select Window Capture Mode: Users can capture the content of a single window, enabling more focused and precise screen captures, thus improving user experience and usability. Supports many languages. V1.1: Added capture select window mode. Removed the transparent background in select mode due to the problem with the 16-color. Fixed the issue with the process not being closed. V1.2: Fix bug when selecting the region again in the same process. Add installer and support for multiple languages. Source code : https://github.com/Win2000DevCommunity/Capture-tool You can download the compiled V1.2 version from GitHub.
  2. Does anyone know a program that allows me to open multiple text files at the same time as if they were one (without merging)?
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