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  1. Recently I've tried to port Windows Meeting Space over to Windows 7, but it's not working. I've gotten interested in the program since I like how it's free, p2p, has a bunch of features and stuff to go with messaging, and doesn't have a file sharing size limit (at least im pretty sure, ngl i haven't gotten to use it too much but if it's anything like NetMeeting, count me in). I just thought it'd be cool if I could run it on my 7 partition and maybe give it to some of my friends so we could get past the "le epic gamer" Discord with it's pitiful 8 MB file sharing size and crappy snapchat-ripoff Skype. So basically, to make a long story short, I copied over the x86 & x64 Program Files for it ("Windows Collaboration"), got the p2pcollab.dll stuff from sys32 and sysWOW, as well as went through the program with Dependency Walker and Process Monitor to basically hack together a bunch of needed dlls from my PC and stuff... But: nothing. Every time I open the program it just immediately closes. Not crashes - just closes. Then I realized that it's probably not so much an issue with dlls and things (since a newer version of Windows would obviously have everything that Vista has), but probably more along the lines of Windows product activation or something. So I guess this post is more of a plea - how the hell do people hack programs like these to make them work on newer versions of Windows? I mean, people have already ported over all the games from Vista/7 to 8/10, so it's not like it's impossible, but there really doesn't seem to be ANY starting point/tutorial anywhere to do something like that - at least, not open in the public. Something's telling me there's probably a reason for that though - and I'm sure the solution probably has something to do with some complicated hex editing or etc. It's not the end of the world if this never gets resolved, but I just think it'd be really cool to have this program on 7/10. If anybody can help, say somethin.
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