Since there is no Win10 unattended subforum I am placing this here: How to set the default program by a command (CMD) or Powershell or registery modification? I have searched a lot and only found a way to associate files to specific programs, but that will only add them to the context menu list (Open With...>): @echo onassoc .mkv=MPC-BE.AssocFile.MKVftype MPC-BE.AssocFile.MKV=c:\Program Files\MPC-BE x64\mpc-be64.exe "%1"pauseThe command assoc creates the file type in the registry, the command ftype associates the program. In this example, "MPC-BE" is just a name that I use, you can also use "MPCHC or MPC or whatever, just as long as it matches the same you use in ftype command. But HOW can we set default program? I am particularly intested in: PDF, video files, image editor (, 7z/zip. silent install arguments do work, but the ones that set the file type associations do not work in Windows 10. (again, only added to the context menu "Open With..." not the context menu "edit". In win7 it worked flawlessly).