Ladies and gentlemen, I present you version 1.0 of Aero Glass reimplementation for Windows 8.1. This software is a bit different story than Aero Glass for Win8, because almost all glass code has been removed from Windows 8.1 so complete reimplementation was needed. The development of Aero Glass effect for Windows 8 was pretty easy but I had no knowledge around Desktop Windows Manager at all. Situation in Windows 8.1 is opposite - I already got enough knowledge but I had to wrote all glass code from scratch. There are some small differences from Windows 8 version: 1) as already been said during the development phase, this software is only the extension to DWM rendering engine and hooks DWM functions only. It does not hook theme service (to bypass theme signature) anymore nor any other process to explicitely enable blur behind any window (e.g. behind taskbar). It just blurs the areas where it is instructed to do so. 2) to correctly inject this library into DWM process, the small background task is required to be running. When this background process is not running, DWMGlass.dll won't be injected automatically on user logon, dwm.exe restart etc. --- A bit limited version of this software is free for your personal usage. Download and all information are available on its website: There is a beta version of the small application intended to change several parameters of Aero Glass: Please, remember that this software is done in my free time and it is not done for any profit. You won't get the full service as in the case of regular paid software.