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Posts posted by vampus8

  1. I'm kind of new to WPI but I love what I've seen of it so far. Here's a thought for a somewhat radical feature for the future. Would it be possible to launch a program before windows installed which would allow you to make all of your config decisions right from the start? This would save you having to set an unattended windows install going and coming back after 30 minutes to decide which config.js file to load and within it which programs to install. It'd make the process more truly unattended.

    Even better would be the option to define things straight off like the user name and organization which could serve as variables throughout the whole installation process. They could be inserted into your winnt.sif, Office installation, and any other programs. You could ideally also choose how to format the hard drive from the initial menu so you would only have to insert your DVD, set your options, and leave. 1 - 3 hours later you'd have a fully functional customized system.

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