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Everything posted by gavin1961

  1. Oh well.... It's back to Thuderbird again. bye
  2. I have been tryiung out 'Thunderbird' for about 6 months and on the whole am disapointed with it. There are real problems sometimes with sending and the system has issues with Acrobat. There also is no clalander. Anyway... I am back using Outlook and am happy with it but for one very significant thing. I am hoping someone can help me with this. In Thunderbird you can setup a folder (outside of 'local folders' for a seperate e-mail address (or indeed several)/. This floder comes with inbox, sent items, deleted etc and if you send from that particular folder the outgoing e-mail automatically is atributed the appropriate infor such as sender's name, e-mailetc. The only way I can do this on Outlook is to set up a whole new profile and log out and back in with the new profile. It seems impossible to set up muliple accounts on the one profile. This means (as I don't want to log in and out) that I must set up lots of 'rules' so the e-mails go to their respective (set up) folders. If I then send a mail (not using the reply feature) I must manually alter the sender details so as not to use the default. I am not an expert (obviously) with Outlook but nor am I stupid.... Am I mising something? Thunderbird, as I say does have problems but the idea of being able to use multiple accounts really is a big plus. Cheers Gavin
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