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Everything posted by cqqx2

  1. HEY I GOT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!! First i looked at the setupapi.log file in the windows directory then i saw the error happend w/ the invalid registry thing, so then i did a google search and came to the HP websites trouble shooter, actually i think i searched for "required section not found in the inf troubleshooter" and then i followed those steps and setup my registry, then i tried to install again, but i got an init error, so i went back to the setupapi.log and found that sti_ci.dll was having problems so i looked at it and it was only about 30kbs so then i went and googled the dll, and replaced it w/ one that was about 130kb then i tried to instal again and it asked for a file that was like wyblabla so i downloaded that and then rundll said sti.dll had an error so i replaced that as well, then i had to restart and WALA!! ^_^, last time i tried to fix this was weeks ago and i stopped after i modified the registry and got that error, but searching these forums i found out about the setupapi.log so thanx for the help!
  2. I sped through the process and i got rid of webcam support and ive been searching the forums to see if anyone has gotten support back, i remember weeks ago i saw a post of a guy that got close but i cant find that anymore, anything?
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