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Everything posted by jubcheng

  1. Hi. Is it possible to file contacts in order to send an e-mail and click the "To" button to find the contact and the list of contacts will not have the "Name" of the contacts in the 1st columns but the "Display Name" instead. Because this can be confusing if you got a lot of contacts and the "Display Name" is in the 2nd column and not alphabetically listed. I mean that’s ok if someone knows the name but sometimes I have a nicknames or company names and while creating the contact I choose to “File As” and “Display As” but when writing an e-mail the list starts always with the “Name” And using the search function all the time would be time consuming as well. Please give me a hand here if it is possible to configure the contacts the way I want it. Thanks in advance, Cheng
  2. Hi Everybody. When I add an Image to the Header in MS Word 2003, the image is same like the text in a header not in the original strong color. Black Text for example is light grey and an image got only about 50% color intensity. Only if I double click on that header it shows the original text and image color. Is there a way that the header text and graphics shows always in full original color? If that is possible, please let me know how I can do that. Thanks in advance. jubcheng
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