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Posts posted by uid0

  1. With plain 3 disks 5 Raid in case one disk fails, the data won't be available until you replace the failed disk with a new one and rebuild the array.

    With 4 disks Raid 5 (Raid 5 + spare) in case one disk fails, data will be available again as soon as you rebuild the array (and thus you have theoretically more time to procure a new spare disk).

    With Raid 6 (still 4 disks) the array can bear the failure of two disks, but data won't be avialable until you replace the two failed disks.


    Eh? Raid 5 copes with the loss of a single disk, and the data remains available for read/write, just at increased risk. If the raid card can't rebuild the array while it's up, it's not a very good one.

  2. uPnP is not necessary for browsing, nor torrenting. If you want to host a server, then ti is, because servers take in unsolicited information, but any program that creates an outbound connection will allow for inbound.

    The IPTables rules would look something like:

    iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

    It depends on how clever your nat router is - some will know to open related ports, but with consumer grade kit you usually have to open ports for torrents and xbox etc, if not using uPnP.

    Please do link to the win8 pdf - I'd like to know what /GS is.


  3. @echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    cd /d "%~dp0"
    for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`dir /a-d /od /b *`) do (
    set file=%%a
    if not "!file!" == "%~n0%~x0" (
    echo !file!
    if /I "!file:~-4!" == ".msu" (
    start /w wusa %%a /quiet /norestart
    ) else if /I "!file!" == "rvkroots.exe" (
    start /w %%a /q
    ) else if /I "!file:~-4!" == ".exe" (
    start /w %%a /q /n /z
    ) else (
    echo Not sure what to do with "!file!"

  4. Is it losing network access temporarily? You could test for e.g. if exist z:\nul then sleep for a few seconds and retry.

    I guess if dpinst swaps your network drivers then that would take it down for a bit.

    Its not losing the network access. I have already tried that with linking the network shared and then do a sleep for x seconds. But that doesnt make any difference.

    Something like this, after running dpinst?

    if not exist %~dp0nul ping -n 1 & goto :check

    Alternatively, you could try copying anything you need from z: to %temp% before running dpinst, because I still reckon that's bouncing your network.

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