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Posts posted by JSR

  1. Hi

    I've tried Vlite 0.9 on Windows Vista Ultimate Italian.

    I've used it just to create the iso file, but at the beginning of the (boot) installation I get this error:


    the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible

    I've tested this iso on VMware and on a PC, and I get the same error.

    Do u know anything about it?

    TNX! :hello:

  2. boooggy, I've installed your WMP11 latest addon with Nlite, but I get some OS problems after the setup.

    There's no new user creation section at first startup, XP starts in classic style, and Windows Media Connect doesn't work :no: . By the way WMP11 works perfectly :thumbup

    Have I missed something? :blink:

    TNX :)

  3. Hi

    I'm working on a XP iso, and I need to cancel all the changes I made with Nlite, under "Setup" section (Unattended, Options and Tweaks)... I can't start the entire project all over again :unsure:

    Is there anything I can do? Where're the files to delete/modifty ?

    TNX :)

  4. Hi :hello:

    I was trying to install windows XP games into Windows Server R2 x64 bit ( http://www.msfn.org/win2k3/xpgames.htm ) and now I can't use "Add/Remove Windows Components".

    I get this error:

    "Setup Library ocgen2.dll could not be loaded, or function OcEntry could not be found. Contact your system administrator. The Specific error code is 0x7e".

    I think I need these file for x64 version:







    Where can I find them?

    TNX :thumbup

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