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Posts posted by rustycaps

  1. Use the standard OEMDriversPath feature in winnt.sif, where you set the path for the drivers, i.e. \chipset, \LAN, \sound, etc - usually drivers\lan for simplicity, as long as the OEMPreinstall=Yes option is there (see the unattended site for more info).

    For custom NVidia drivers (i.e. Asus/Leadtek), the way I've found it to work fully/best is to delete the 3 nv4 entries from txtsetup.sif.

  2. Are you sure it's not just running Live Update or something? Mine sat on my custom install of NAV Corporate for a while, until I noticed the lights on the switch flashing away with activity between this PC and the router, so I assumed it was doing some sort of software update (Def'ns are off server BTW, so not that), so that might just be the problem. I can remember NAV 2004 doing that when I used to logon as well, though not during setup, but probably because I didn't have the network settings fully working back then.

  3. The "regedit /s regtweaks.reg" command would only work if the .reg file file was actually in the same directory as regedit, or am I missing something about how regedit runs? i.e. shouldn't it be regedit /s c:\install\regtweaks.reg or something, with the full path name?

    Does the reg file work when you actually double/single click it (whichever method you have for clicking mode)? i.e. does it ask "do you wish to add this data to the registry?"?

    That's all I can think of for it to not work. EDIT - unless you saved it as a txt file or something when working on it through notepad?

  4. I tried using runonceex.cmd in Win2k as well, and found same thing, but found a post on here somewhere about how to do a 'proper' unattended 2k install, where you have to do the reg add thing differently. I ended up just doing what I used to do before runonceex and made a batch file to run the apps and patches setup - worked just the same, except in a DOS windows rather than a pretty GUI window.

  5. You need the full network version to be able to slipstream as the express only downloads what files you need based on what you have installed already, though guess you may as well at least wait until rc2 comes out, unless you just do it with rc1.

    Just run the exe from a command line prompt with a -x at the end I think, or use something like WinRAR/WinZIP, which have a right click->extract to option which does the same thing.

  6. I think this has been mentioned in here at some stage, but was probably too far back for search to find, as didn't find it just then.

    I used the reg tweak mentioned in here to get rid of the WMP right click menu - the Queue-It-Up, etc options - as well as the one to remove video previews I got somewhere as well (in regedit removes .mpg/shellex or something), and as soon as that happens whenever I double click a video to open, it asks what to use to open with, but can select WMP then next time does same thing. It's fine if I don't use the tweak, except having excess menus - winrar, icq, cuteftp, as well as the WMP ones.

  7. I've been having this problem since upgrading MSN to a newer version of 6.1 (came up with that annoying "there is a new version out, do you wish to upgrade?" box, and I said yes to it), and I can't seem to find a solution to get it back to working properly - have tried to do searches (though hard to work out exactly what to search for, as get so many different results), and reinstalled it, even tried the repair option when uninstalling, but nothing has seemed to work.

    I'm running ADSL through a router, and have a file server running as DHCP server as well, if that could have any effect, though it would seem to be a local system issue, as it's not storing the details to enable MSN to sign in as soon as I logon.

    I've even tried running the .net passport wizard to associate the hotmail address with my windows logon (wizard disabled via regedit tweak found on here somewhere, but still worked fine), but that didn't work either.

  8. It seems that the shares work (at least on this system) when it has been booted up, then shut down for a while (a few hrs in this case), then booted up again, as all the drives appeared as they should - i.e. with showing up as "disconnected".

    For the drive letters, I don't suppose that playing around with the boot order would affect it at all, though it's worth a try I guess.

  9. As far as I can tell, the only thing that's been changed is turning the file server into a DHCP server as well, and having the DNS server and gateway (router) auto assigned to the set IPs for the 2 boxes running off it. I've done the mapping both ways, and it has very rarely worked any time - think it did work once or twice early on (before adding DNS server?). Maybe there's some service I've got running that shouldn't be, or one not runnning that should be.

    As far as I can tell, I only used to have the problem when the system was reset or BSOD'd as it seems to want to find the secondary IDE channel where the cd drives are, hence re-adding them as the next 2 available letters (i/j in this case). I think I still have the same programs I usually use, though not sure if the TweakUI tweak had anything to do with it - used the option to not show drive letters, even though it still does, just at the start of each line not the end. i.e. (d:) swap

  10. I used to have dial-up and my file server had manually mapped drives to it, and everything worked fine - i.e. they showed up as connected as soon as explorer was opened, and didn't have to be clicked on to work. Since changing the file server to DHCP though, the drive mappings come up virtually every time as disconnected - yes, I did look it up and tried doing a few things mentioned: changed registry on server to not timeout connections or something, use the /persistent:no switch with net use, and even do it manually, but still showing up as disconnected each logon/bootup. I know it's not a big deal to open explorer and open each share up so it refreshes the connection or whatever, but I'm curious as to why they don't just work normally.

    On another issue, I seem to have problem getting the CD-ROM drive letters to stay where they are manually set to - have them to v:/w: mainly due to mapped drives and having the swap+capture partitions (on RAID0) as g:/h: to make it easier to configure page file settings - as they end up going back to i:/j:, which isn't a big issue, but it's not how I manually set them, so not sure as to why they don't stay there all the time (or maybe it's just a glitch with SP2?)

  11. What do you mean by the following statement regarding my post?

    For the Method which is mentioned by rustycaps you need two Pc´s,

    The Server and a CLient.

    It runs perfectly fine on this system which only has the one drive, with 4 partitions - c: for OS, d: for swap file, e: for apps, and f: for my stuff, which is where the files are sourced from in runonceex - the only thing that I use the server for during setups is for NAV Corp updates and WU, but I could run it free of the network if it wasn't setup to run off a server (server only handles the DHCP and NAV Corp side of things, then mapped drives once in Windows).

    Some lines from my runonceex file

    REG ADD %KEY%\009 /VE /D "DirectX 9.0b" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\009 /V 1 /D "f:\winsetup\DirectX9b\dxsetup.exe /opk" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\011 /VE /D "Windows Media Player 9" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\011 /V 1 /D "f:\winsetup\mpsetupxp.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\013 /VE /D "Adobe Acrobat Reader 6" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\013 /V 1 /D "f:\winsetup\Acroread6\AR6.msi /qn" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "WinRAR 3.20" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "f:\winsetup\wrar320.exe /silent" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\017 /VE /D "MSN Messenger 6.1" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\017 /V 1 /D "f:\winsetup\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi /QN" /f

    WRT the network boot, isn't there a way to connect through the BIOS setup and somehow do it that way? i.e. how most boards have onboard LAN that can be booted off - not sure how it works, but I know it's there.

  12. I used the link to the nforcers page relating to that topic and I got it working without any problems - should make that link a sticky or something, at least in this category, as it's relevant, and the problem of installing to a Sil3112 seems to be very common.

    It wasn't that hard either - add a few entries to txtsetup.sif (copied from the site), then copy the sil3112/r.sys (or .sy_ if compressed) file into i386 and burn the cd. I never seemed to have any luck with the winnt.sif and textmode directory usage.

  13. I run my setup files from the HDD, so it makes it easier to work with, and saves worrying about fitting files onto a cd. I just have a winsetup folder on another partition on the drive, which has Office, MSN, DX9, etc in it, as well as reg files, and runonceex just runs off that - anything to reduce the need for the cd (I even have a reg file which changes the source files to a folder on the same partition as the winsetup folder, so it kills the need to stick the cd in all the time.

    This should be easy enough to do via "net use" and mapping to the share on the server, using the necessary switches and commands. Then all you'd need in runonceex would be to have e.g. h:\office2003\setup.exe..... etc, where h: is the mapped drive.

  14. Would it be safe to just delete those unnecessary entries from txtsetup.sif, so they don't load on setup - as mentioned, all the drivers for SCSI h/w, etc - though I haven't tried this, but am just wondering if it'd work (it worked when I did similar for my video card to work, by deleting the nv4_ values - assuming I knew which values to delete, as there are likely double-ups somewhere.

  15. I haven't had any problems with either method for detecting my Sil 3112 controller, or the drive that was on it at the time. I used the nforcershq (?) link on here somewhere, when I was running the Raptor off it originally, to work through txtsetup.sif, and ran fine as a boot drive (though slower than now through Intel ICH5/R). I also now use the OEMDriversPath method, and it runs fine as well, as it finds all drivers for everything I have, including the IDE RAID and the Sil3112, though it only has a single drive on it.

    As long as you have copied all the files from the sil3112/r directories when you extracted the driver file (either off cd or new one downloaded), into the proper directories you have set in winnt.sif - my driver files directories (sil3112/r) each have 12 files in them.

    [AFAIK, I dont have a SATA HD to test if it finds the driver]

    I haven't tried installing SATA/RAID drivers without the drives actually being attached, or can't remember doing so, so I don't know if installing the drivers even works if there arent any drives attached, though it still should without a problem, unlike for something like a soundcard (can have drivers on a cd and in winnt.sif, but won't install if there's no soundcard in the system).

    My runonceex only asked for driver files when I missed a file for the network card, and subsequently it enabled 2 of the runonceex windows, but haven't had any problems since then once I got it all fixed. I'm guessing, if it's asking for driver files, that you haven't put all the necessary files on the cd where they belong.

    Just clarify if boot drive or not? Guess not if gets to windows GUI without a problem - only need in txtsetup.sif if boot drive if I'm not mistaken?

  16. Well, I just confirmed what I'd thought to be true - all I did was to delete the 3 nv4_ entries from txtsetup.sif and the video card was detected as an A280LE and the monitor came through as well (both specified in winnt.sif of course).

    I might have to try something similar with this box, and delete the generic nv4_ files and see if it works with the proper Asus drivers, rather than the generic GF2 files, but it shouldn't really matter, though I did have problems with another Asus video card when using the wrong drivers.

  17. I guess you need to work out how to add the drivers to the txtsetup.sif file, as I have that same RAID chipset (Intel board, and non-boot array), and I just have the directory specified in winnt.sif and it finds the array fine.

    Best bet would be to possibly follow the nforcerhq page for the Sil SATA controller setup (someone will have the link handy I'm sure :-)) and copy the .sys file into the i386 directory (right guys?), but still leave the folder you have them in now, so windows can load the rest of the driver files if needed later in the GUI setup section.

  18. I've noticed that as well, using Speed Disk, where I have it set to have all dll and exe files at the beginning of the drive (using \**\*.dll and \**\*.exe), and ends up with a space at the start for system files. I'd tried changing recycle bin/norton protection settings, deleting temp/prefetch files, but it still stays there. I think I managed to get rid of it by having the \program files\**\*.* line in the files at start section too.

  19. made setup look in the oem drivers directory for the video files

    I had done that originally, before I tried playing around with the txtsetup.sif file, as it was the easy option, but it wasn't successful, so I thought of replacing all the nv4 files from the XP cd with the ones for the video card I have, and adding the entries into txtsetup.sif, which I did, and it ran the runonceex screen @ 1280x1024 resolution, which was set through winnt.sif, but can't remember whether it had loaded the Leadtek A280LE drivers, or the standard GF4 ones - I just reloaded this system, which has an Asus V7100 GF2, and it used the generic GF2 drivers, though had full resolution too.

  20. I was having a play around with the txtsetup.sif file, trying to get my A280LE Leadtek VIVO card to be detected properly on setup, and have full screen when comes to run runonceex box, rather than having to run the install file later on and have the runonceex box taking up too much space. I ended up compressing the 3 nv4_ files (nv4_disp.dll/.ini and nv4_mini.sys) and adding them to the txtsetup.sif in replace of where the original nv4 line was, but this only resulted in having the double up runonceex windows - it came up saying it found the A280LE card, but it needed manual driver directory input for the files, even though they were there already from the oem copy over.

    I ended up getting it working (as far as running at the set resolution in winnt.sif anyway) after I'd deleted all 3 nv4_ entries in txtsetup.sif, which I assume made setup look in the oem drivers directory for the video files, as it had no reference to the standard drivers, as I'd also copied over and replaced the nv4_ files in i386 directory with the ones for this card too, but think I put back the original when it didn't work.

    Even after all this, when it got into the desktop, I did a check on the display properties and it showed up as a GF4, not as the proper A280LE (from memory - did a few installs on 2 different systems in the last few days getting them setup for when ADSL is working, so might be thinking of the other system).

    Slightly off-topic, but same card - would the copy into i386 and add to txtsetup.sif work for the VIVO drivers, or are they only for windows installs, or should I just try it next time anyway?

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