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Posts posted by rustycaps

  1. "e:\dotnetfx2.exe" /Q /C:"install.exe /Q" /f

    This is the line from the updated runonceex I used to get it to work, as I noticed the same thing when I'd originally run the installation. Yours looks the same except for the quotes in the wrong place.

    PS - I run my apps from another partition/drive, which is why I have a specific letter, but does the same thing.

  2. That's originally what I'd meant by adding it to winnt.sif, but I either forgot to mention the line, or didn't know it off hand, or thought you could find it on here or other guides somewhere....

    With the other stuff I mentioned, the attended part was for the WinWall program install, which is part of a batch file run at the end of RunOnceEx, mostly made up off attended installs, but designed to save me manually running everything later. That reg code was just something extra as well, seeing as both were on the topic of desktop related.

    Sorry if all that other stuff was too much, but yeah, that code is all you need - of course you need to configure and save the theme first - and possibly stick it in the $oem$\$$ folder I think under system32 or so, then reference to that when it gets copied locally as %systemroot%\system32\name.theme. You'd need the bitmap in the same folder or on a fixed drive that will stay the same when you install, or it won't work, unless you edit the theme in Notepad to specify the location, e.g. %systemroot%\system32\name.bmp

  3. I've found it easier just to use a theme referenced in winnt.sif, which has a flooded bliss background and the colour/layout of windows how I like it pre-configured. I also have a desktop changer program called WinWall installed after RunOnceEx in a batch file run at the end of it, which has a reg file run before installation which will load a different wallpaper after it's installed (the installation is attended, with an option to run WinWall, which changes the wallpaper to one from a pre-defined directory set via the reg file run previously).

    This reg entry is also useful if you use the Ctrl-Alt-Del logon screen.

    ;Set logon box background image
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
    "Wallpaper"="file source using \\ between folders"

  4. So, I guess I could try and see if the newer drivers work using the existing (working) settings from txtsetup.sif, and just update the drivers and the sy_ file in i386? I checked the (your) site with info on the pack, but I don't think there's much difference in dates between the drivers I got working now from the old pack ( and the ones listed there ( I think), as mine shows up dated 6/12/03, though new ones on the Promise site are only listed as dated 4/28/05.

    I just noticed on your listing that the card I've got is actually listed down further (on 2nd thoughts, ignore that, cos I just realised/noticed on the manual that I've got the older/original card anyway!). I'd originally gone and downloaded the drivers for the SATA II 150TX2 plus thinking that's what it was based only on the 150TX2 Plus part (that's why the CDs didn't work too obviously!), but this isn't the SATA II card - site only lists as SATA 150 TX2 Plus, and drives aren't SATA II anyway, so all is good in that respect. I just looked through the Promise site under the main products menu, when I should have gone into the full product drop down menu which I did just then, and saw the version I really wanted.....

    I just had a look at the file from your site, and compared it with the filenames I got working here, and it's the P/6 folder that has the ulsata.sys file which is the same date, etc as what I've got working now, so basically I did all that for nothing in the end it seems....

    I think I'll just leave it as is now, as it's working - I can't even seem to find the right card on the Promise site - there's either a SATAII150 TX2 Plus, or a FastTrak SATA 150 TX2 Plus, but I've tried the SATA II drivers without success and I don't think the card had Fast Trak printed on it...... FFS! :realmad:

  5. I just looked at the readme file from in the extracted directory and it was a RyanVM product with a changelog date of 20.5.04 (or 5/20/04 for US people).

    I know that this post may not be so useful as such, but I was just saying thanks for that file being posting and me remembering about downloading it, so it did what it was supposed to do.

  6. I just bought a Promise SATA 150TX2 Plus controller card (the one with 2 SATA and 1 IDE channel/s) the other day, and I'd gone and Nlite'd a CD with what I thought were the newer drivers for the card. So time comes to install windows (change boot drive, etc around, which is why I was reinstalling), and it only detects the primary boot drive and the (at the time) unpartitioned RAID0 array, so I let it reinstall, then I went and d/l some of the other drivers on the site, and re Nliting to no avail (when I tried to install), and even the floppy drivers didn't work (had to copy via file server as this system has no floppy drive). I had nearly had enough when I remembered I'd downloaded a RAID drivers zip file or something of here, which had a whole heap of RAID/ATA chipset and controller card drivers and txtsetup.sif code with it. I checked it for the Promise 150 series, and thankfully it was there, so I copied the necessary code into txtsetup.sif and the drivers into their proper locations and then after everything else needed to create the CD, it worked!!

    Only thing was that the controller card was detected before the onboard SIL RAID0 array, which stuffed the drive lettering around (changed 2 sata drives around and fixed it), even though boot order was RAID0 then controller card drives, but it's all working fine otherwise thanks to GreenMachince I think it was where that file was sourced from ages ago when I got it.

  7. Before I started using nLite, I discovered the easiest way to have the latest nVidia drivers installed was by using the OEMPNPDriversPath method to specify where the new files were, but then to delete the default XP nvidia drivers (nv4_disp.in_ and 1/2 others I think), and it worked fine (I had a Leadtek card which used non-standard drivers - maybe normal nVidia drivers might have worked, but thought it best to use the Leadtek drivers).

  8. I've kept a copy of the original winnt.sif that has worked for me in "non-nLite" mode, so when I did it through nLite, I just copied over a few little bits that it missed (think the lines Repartition = No and AutomaticUpdates = Yes, and the custom theme line), but if I did too much to it, it stuffed up when running in VMWare in the initial stages of the GUI mode (before driver install), as shown in my post down the page further.

    When removing components, make sure to leave in the language you need, as I think that was one of the reasons why it was stuffing up. Don't add the PnPDriversPath line either if integrating the drivers, as that's another reason for my error message I think.

  9. Here's the Logon tweaks that I use in my regtweaks file - I think some might be not so common ones.

    ;Logon Tweaks

    ;Set information for above name and password in logon prompt
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
    "LogonPrompt"="Insert text to appear above name/password"

    ;Disable Welcome Screen and uses Classic Logon
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    ;Set custom logon box
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
    "GinaDll"="custom msgina.dll file"

    ;Set logon box background image
    [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]
    "Wallpaper"="image source"

    ;Enable Ctrl+Alt+Del
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    Hope they can be of use for some people.

  10. SAV9 is the corporate version - usually used in business environments as can run off a local server running the server version (downloads definitions, etc and clients access that instead of separately getting updates off the net).

    2004/5 is the basic "home" version, designed for normal people running it as a standalone program and updating when they're online.

    At least that's what I can tell from using both in the past. Just try each and see how they work for what you want to do with them.

  11. Or you can save any hassle at all and just keep the favo(u)rites folder on a separate partition and use the following registry inputs to configure it.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

    This would have to be changed accordingly to how you use it, if at all, though I should really at least un-Americanise it by changing it to Favourites or something else if I get around to it.

    Speaking of which (off topic), is there a way to change the word/menu heading of Favorites to read Favourites or Links or something? i.e. edit explorer/iexplore or not worth the bother?

  12. Or to put it more simply, when you hold the mouse over the icons in the taskbar, in pops up a text message above stating what program the icon is associated with, but with the taskbar on auto-hide, after a while lately, I've noticed that the text sometimes appears behind the taskbar and isn't fully visible. The way I've found to solve it temporarily is to change the tooltip text size in the display properties to 9 then back to 8 and it's fine for a while.

    I don't know if this is an XPSP2 issue or not, or if posted already - yeah, people will say to use search, but I thought I'd post it while I thought of it.


  13. It sounds like the problem I had using that method mentioned - it created the user fine, but it wasn't added to the admin group, so when it logged on to run the RunOnceEx batch, it didn't work as needed admin rights to run the programs (sound about right?).

    I ended up working out that it was the netuser.exe file that I'd still had sitting in the $oem$\$1\system32 directory (I used to use it originally to rename the administrator account to something else which I then used as default logon), so as soon as I'd deleted it and tried again, it all worked fine. Also check for any spelling errors and things like that.

  14. Actually I found out after getting that same problem (I'm not the only one I'm sure), that it was the "Delete WMP right-click options" reg entries that caused it for me - i.e. when I deleted those lines from the regtweaks.reg file, then it ran on next install, everything ran fine - I also had them back in for XPSP2 install I did last week, and it stuffed up again.

    These are the lines I'm talking about, in case you don't know.

    ;Remove WMP Right Click Options (Queue-it-up, etc.)

    I don't know why deleting them causes problems, but it's less of a problem having them there, than having to click on WMP each time you go to open a video/audio file that should default to WMP without any prompting.

  15. I'm not sure what is going on here, but nothing seems to be working properly now, as far as the VMWare install goes. Some of the regedits work (custom msgina and maybe some others), but the time zone is wrong, no custom start menu button (changed text to Rusty) or quick launch, and even enabling the Windows Installer service did nothing, as even Office/FP 2003 didn't work (still sat there "preparing for installation" or something, the got the error.

    I'm not sure if this is the fault of VMWare and something not right in there, or the actual setup files - though it seemed fine when I tried it on here originally. Even MSN Messenger doesn't load on startup, and none of the installed programs even appear on the start menu.... weird. I haven't really used VMWare before, so maybe I've done something wrong, or this is how it's supposed to go, but it doesn't sound like it.

  16. The thing with NAV is that it ran last time I did the install on here, using basically the same installation, except running the NAV msi from another partition, and I did have the regtweaks run this time too, though I didn't see anything in it that would cause any problems.

    I have got the old SP1 code to disable messenger, but it didn't work last time I did the install - "msmsgs = off" - but I can't see anything in the SP2 help file to disable it now, except maybe deleting the exe off the cd and then it can't get installed at all, but it might cause problems.

  17. Testing ISO through VMWare on other PC.

    Everything seems to run fine up until it started the msi file, where it sat for a while with a dialogue box showing "configuring Windows Installer" or something like that, and then it came up saying something about the Installer service not being available or configured I think - I forget the exact error. It ran fine when I did a basic SP2 slipstreamed install with the RunOnceEx file using the same msi and that, so not sure if it's due to VMWare or running off the $1\apps OEM folder copied to the HDD.

    Quick off-topic question - is there a quick and easy way to disable Windows Messenger from loading in unattended setup? It doesn't seem to load at the moment, but not sure if that's due to no network in VMWare, or me changing the prepare.cmd file to delete the WM links and the actual .exe file.

  18. I basically followed that guide originally - didn't know how to do it otherwise - using a blank 1024x768 base and doing a collage of sorts (should it only be a single image instead of a collage type thing?), and setting that bitmap as the 103 image, and I'd done a 180x30 or something for each of the 100-102 images, but this didn't work when it ran on setup as they ended up double size or something, so this time I've deleted them and just left it as the bitmap background only, but haven't gotten around to creating the iso and sending across to other machine to run through VMWare with.

    Maybe I could just leave the text out as well, as I never read it anyway, but will have to look to see what strings or whatever I can leave out, as Randy mentioned.

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