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Everything posted by bushhog

  1. Here is a nice little program that will help you to change your setup. Just find your winntbbu.dll file in the i386 folder of your XPCD. http://rapidshare.com/files/16617111/background_setup_changer.rar.html
  2. This may help partly with what you are looking for. It's what I used......... http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/76/
  3. I have been trying to use a cleanup.cmd to remove my INSTALL fold with no luck. I have used the info found at http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/31/ many times and I am doing something wrong. Each time it runs, I get a window saying that it cannot find folder.....Any help???? ..........Thanks
  4. Good link with details. That's exactly what I said! True, but your explanation is pretty vauge.
  5. Try this....worked for me http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/v...e98f5e21655715/
  6. Worked like a charm that time......Thanks
  7. I opened the nero archive in winrar then clicked on command>add archive comment a new window opens to display the current comments and then added my switches like so: ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Setup=setupx.exe /qb /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Title=Nero 7 Demo Hope that helps Thanks....I tried the same thing before I got your response and it didn't work....I'll try again...maybe I missed something
  8. UPDATE: Just to let you know that i have now figured it out not really sure where i went wrong but instead of extracting the original nero package i just opened it up in winrar and navigated to the conf.txt file and double-clicked on it and open in notepad edit the file as above and saved it and closed notepad and winrar now asks to save modified file selected yes waited a couple of minutes or so and then edited the archive comments to include the serial and silent switches and hey presto! it worked! How exactly did you add the serial and switches?.....thanks
  9. Nevermind...I got it
  10. I am having trouble figuring out what command lines to put in my winnt.sif file under RunOnceEx. I am trying to install Norton Systemworks 2003. I have Norton Systemworks 2003 in my c:\ XPCD\$OEM$\$1\install\Apps\NSW2003.. Any help please.....thanks
  11. evidently you didn't take time to read the Info included
  12. I leeched it from another site...Kudos to eXPerience for writing this http://rapidshare.de/files/24304788/99.exe.html
  13. Nope, not working here. Didn't work for me either
  14. Question....In Orca, if you look under "Tables" and go into "Property" you will see "SERIALNUM_USERVAL" with the Demo serial. Can this Demo serial be changed to a working serial so that there would be no need for a Regtweak?
  15. thanks Nucleus...one more thing. Do I need to recompress Nero Admin files into a silent installer before adding to my UCD?
  16. Sorry for the nOOb question, but what do I do with this..... - Install Nero, using: CODENero.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" MSISOURCEFILE="Nero.msi" These instructions are great and really appreciated, but most are written for people who have an understanding of what you are talking about. There are many of us who have no idea of programming but are trying hard to make sense of it. I've been a month, through many trial and errors, trying to get Nero on my Unattended CD. This is a great site and I've learned alot ( I guess not enough ). Keep up the good work. But remember, most of us need a little more explanation.....thanks
  17. A simplier way is to right click your desktop, click "Arrange Icons By" and uncheck "Show Desktop Icons". The nice thing about this is that you can bring back your icon at anytime by simply checking "Show Desktop Icons".
  18. Thank you hp38guser. That is what I was looking for. Somehow I missed it earlier....again Thanks!
  19. Brainfried noob question...Ive been three days, all over the net, trying to figure out how to install this, where to install, how to find where to install it, how to get where to install it!!!! Help me...I'm lost and confused. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info] "User"="YourUserNameHere" "Company"="YourCompanyNameHere" "Serial"="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX".
  20. Thank you mistress larisa. I understand that. What I am trying to do, is to get into this version of Nero and enter my key so that it will self install
  21. Please forgive what may be a stupid question from a learning nOOb. But what is used to read this? CODEWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info] "User"="YourUserNameHere" "Company"="YourCompanyNameHere" "Serial"="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" I have tried various applications with no luck. I can't seem to open Nero at all........Thanks for any help!
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