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  1. I have now installed Vista Beta 2. @Mr Snrub No, it won't. That was the problem. Once I replaced GRUB, it wasn't needed anymore as Vista was taking SuSE's partition space, Vista happily installed on my selected partition. I had to use my XP boot CD to get into the Recovery Console, FIXMBR, FIXBOOT, and that did the trick. Also, it seems that FIXMBR removes the ACTIVE flag from the boot partition, so you have to SELECT the partition and make it active with the ACTIVE command. With all that done, I have Vista installed and working wonderfully.
  2. Nobody has any ideas? Not surprising, it's not even mentioned on MSDN.
  3. When I run Vista Beta 2 from DVD, I get to the choose an installation partition, I choose the partition and I get this error: "Windows Setup is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation" The drive is NTFS, 50Gig with 30Gig free. It is the first logical partition on the drive (Primary partition is XP, second partition, logical, would be Vista.) Those are the only two partitions on the drive. It is the Primary Slave drive on the IDE bus. I have a non-standard boot loader (GRUB) on the Primary Master Drive.
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