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  1. 70 views and no answer! huahahaha Thanks guys! The great news is that I made it by myself. The right way to go is after installation of Windows XP, using GuiRunOnce in winnt.sif to run a post installation command: sysocmgr.exe /i:sysoc.inf /u:<answer file created by you to install msmq> It's all here: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServe...3.mspx?mfr=true
  2. Be aware that Repartition = Yes will delete all partitions on the first drive of your computer and reformat the drive with the NTFS file system. Time to BACKUP!
  3. Hi everybody! I'm from Brazil... and please... sorry for my poor english. Well, I´m working on a CD to install XP Pro + SP2 and everything is going fine until I try to install MSMQ. Experts needed here. So... when I configure the WINNT.SIF, [COMPONENTS], with the right entries, MSQM seems to be installed, but it´s only finished when I open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and then, Add/Remove Windows Components and click the button Configure. Is there any way to make it automatically?? Here is my [components] entry: [Components] netoc=on Msmq_ADIntegrated=on Msmq_Common=on Msmq_Core=on Msmq_HTTPSupport=on Msmq_LocalStorage=on Msmq_MQDSService=on Msmq_RoutingSupport=on Msmq_TriggersService=on I´ve read thousands of posts and articles and never found an answer.
  4. Try creating a new ISO, changing some options, like filesystem etc
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